Review of The Works MVM Anime boxset (blue)


My reviews of the DVDs in The Works Anime boxset (blue)
I think some of these are going to be repackaged soon which might be why they are going so cheaply. They are all volume 1 of the series except for the ones title Movie or Complete OVAs.
Although there are a few stinkers, the set is worth it for the gems alone, it's even cheaper than a single volume of one of these from HMV. It meant I got to see anime I've heard about and wanted to see, plus I got to see many anime that I wouldn't have normally bothered with buying or renting at all. Review of the red boxset will follow when I have seen all of them.

All of these reviews are based purely on the content of the DVDs unless noted, not on other reviews or shows.

Bubblegum Crisis
Got the DVDs a while back so it is hard to comment on the one volume without thinking of the series. Women kick the hell out of robots. Seems cliched now, but it started quite a few of the cliches itself. Not as good as the 2040 remake (sort of remake anyway) but still very good.

Urasei Yatsura Movie 1 and 3
Movie 1 - It is nuts. Many over the top characters in crazy situations. I usually hate anime like this but it is great. Very funny in many parts. Subtitles only, which makes it hard to follow in some sections where they flash up so quick that even a fast reader like myself has trouble, plus you can't remove them. An older style of animation but still good. Why is there no Movie 2 available in the UK?
Movie 3 - Oh what a disappointment. Dull, even by normal standards, not just next to the craziness in the first movie. Almost nothing interesting happens until the end, where it picks up a bit by not enough. Just plain boring with odd bits. Poor.

Vampire Princess
Very interesting set up with a lot of potential which isn't realised in any of the episodes on this DVD. The only real flaw is the lack of much happening for most of each episode. I'm not sure if I will ever really like the main character though, she is completely heartless in these episodes. I was worried that it might turn into Monster Of The Week but it isn't quite as straight forward as that. Okay, but has promise.

Pretty funny, crazy characters, and good plots. Even after all the episodes you're left wondering if the hero is actually any good or if it is all plain luck. Pretty good.

Love Hina
The main character should be in a hospital within the first 5 minutes of each episode from the number of violent beatings he receives. Teenage boy runs girls dorm. Cue the huge number of misunderstandings and no one ever explaining the real situation. Okay.

Ranma 1/2 Movie 1
I've seen the the first episode of the series which explains why half of the characters turn into animals when they get wet, and I'm sure it made me far less confused than I would have been. As with most "The Movie" titles, it seems to include every character ever in the manga/series even if they don't do anything more than stand in a crowd. Characters are all a bit crazy, but not convincing. Not particularly interesting to me really. Poor.

Oh My Goddess
OTT characters and actions. The situation might be interesting but the plot and dialogue isn't. The characters are either annoying or horribly weak and pathetic. Five months take place between the first and second episodes in which the boy never even holds hands with his goddess girlfriend despite them both being in love. Looks lovely, but nothing to draw me in at all. Rather poor.

You're Under Arrest Complete OVAs
From the makers of Oh My Goddess. Same style of animation, but it has decent plots and characters. The way the cars drive is fantastic. Great action sequences and each episode feels like a proper story rather than just a tiny bit of plot from the series stretched into 30 minutes. I'm not sure if I was going crazy but in several shots of the characters in the car they would switch places from left to right. It seems that there aren't more in this series which is a shame. Pretty good.

Ninja Scroll
By far my favourite. I liked the original film and this is pretty much more of the same but with a plot thread through many episodes and much less blood. Large numbers of warriors with very imaginatively bizarre abilities and supernatural powers, killing each other and trying to kill the hero. Very good, I'll definitely get more of these.
I have only watched You're Under Arrest so far, and straight after I went out and bought the movie. I loved this series. It was so innocent and fun.
The Granpa in the little red mini was about as dangerous as it got, I mean what had the guy actually done that was so wrong? They just started to chase after him like he was an serial killer!

But at the heart of everything the characters were just really motivated to spread justice and freedom into Tokyo! And that's all I need, some warm and fuzzy anime.
Got it as well, but so far only seem
Trigun- Final found out what the 1st episode was, as i caught lots of random epsides when i was in OZ and couldn't work out where in the series i'd seen. Its fun and there are obvious hints that there is more to Vash than meets they eye, but also a bit dumb and sappy at times.

Love Hina- Gurraph. Disgustingly soppy, stupifying slapstick, and a transparent plot. Not bad as such, but bit juvile for my tastes.

Oh My Goddess Already owned. As above (and the second dvd is far better).

Ninja Scroll Hmm, Meeh. Individually its a rather bland carnage fest were the carnage has been toned down to get a lower rating. Jube seems to 'saving the girl' for no real reason. He seems disintreseted in her and everything else for that matter (even people trying to kill him). The other characters also seem to be as bland as rice cakes. If you take into account the orginal movie it's just shameless profiteering.

Haven't watched any of the others, but the vampire one and the yr under arrest look intresting.
Not a bad purchase to get a taster for lots of series, but not the best selection, and from what i've heard the other boxset is better (now if i could only find it).
I found the red one just a couple of weeks ago in my local Works, it hadn't been there at all in the month before xmas so I guess they must be just shifting stock around. It was also reduced to £9.99, so a double bargain at that.
You're Under Arrest, Love Hina, Oh My Goddess and Trigun where the only ones I like from the first box set. I already own them all though(and my You're Under arrest has the original Japanese). Bubblebum Crisis is something I hope to never experience ever again. Ninja Scroll just isn't my sort of thing(I did watch it though but didn't like it).

The second box is a lot better, I like/love every series on that box except for Tenchi.
I'm working through the first boxset pretty slowly, so I've only seen Miyu (pretty good for a monster of the week series) and Trigun (didn't impress me at all so far). Already seen BGC and Love Hina in their entirety; BGC didn't do much for me until the last couple of episodes, whilst Love Hina starts off okay and just goes downhill from there, before finally recovering a little in the closing episodes (or maybe that was just relief on my part that it was coming to and end).

Don't have the second boxset but I own or have seen most of the stuff on there and it's definitely the better selection- although by the same token that means they're mainly series I'd rather have a decent edition of instead of a budget release.
By the end of the series, and throughtout, Trigun is pretty much compeltely different to what it is in the first couple of voumes, stick with it, its worth it.
So far only watched Ninja Scroll and Trigun. Not so sure if I like the Vance guy in Trigun, really not what I was expecting. Love Ninja Scroll, samurai and big cat-women, whats not to like.
I don't know if this is pretty out of date, but I found both boxsets in my Works today for £9.99, and thought bargain! So I bought the blue 'un (already got the red one)

To anyone new to anime (like I was) or simply looking for the next series to watch, I'd recommend going out and buying at least one of these boxsets!
BabyDaddy said:
I have both boxes. S'alright. Worth £10 each, though a lot of the series I have no interest in.
Seriously? On the second set nearly every one was a winner in my opinion.
WTFDaveMustaine said:
BabyDaddy said:
I have both boxes. S'alright. Worth £10 each, though a lot of the series I have no interest in.
Seriously? On the second set nearly every one was a winner in my opinion.
Yeah. There are about 7 series out of them all which I am interested in. Most of them from the second box are much more to my liking.

But the major killer for me was Tsukihime Lunar Legend when I bought DVD's 1 and 2 for £40 and 1 was already with the boxset. >_<