Review of Jyu-Oh-Sei - Planet Of the Beast King


Comic Book Guy
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<b>Review of Jyu-Oh-Sei - Planet Of the Beast King by HdE</b>

Jyu-Oh-Sei: Planet Of The Beast King, is something of an oddity. Produced by Studio Bones, better known for high-profile series such as Wolf&rsquo;s Rain, Darker Than Black, and Eureka Seven, this shorter series could&nbsp; be easily missed as it sneaks in under the radar.

The show begins as two brothers, Thor and Rai, awake to find themselves on the surface of the planet Chimera, a dumping ground for violent ne&rsquo;er-do-wells and troublemakers. How did they get there? How long can they survive there? All alone and at the mercy of Chimera&rsquo;s hostile plant life, the two young boys must face a double-edged struggle for survival. Before they can even begin to search for answers regarding their predicament, thay must contend&nbsp; with not only the aggressive flora and fauna, but also the savage denizens of this forgotten world. And thus begins a tale of intrigue that will span several years before all is finally laid bare.

So, we&rsquo;re in pretty gnarly territory here - not that you&rsquo;d necessarily get that from the show&rsquo;s opening theme, which quite honestly wouldn&rsquo;t seem out of place on a kiddies&rsquo; TV show circa 1990. When a story revolves around the epic tooth-and-claw struggle for survival in a harsh environment, perhaps it&rsquo;s NOT A good thing that the theme tune puts you in mind of &lsquo;Inspector Gadget&rsquo;. Still, after we&rsquo;re done with the rather jumbled expectations the opening jingle leaves us with, the show itself isn&rsquo;t at all bad.

Bones have made a name for themselves with their polished animation and staggering action sequences, which you might expect to be on full display here. Unfortunately, Jyu-Oh-Sei bears the hallmarks of a slightly less opulent production. It&rsquo;s a good-looking show, no doubt, but not quite up to the visual standard we&rsquo;ve come to expect from the studio. There&rsquo;s none of the whizz-bang craziness or flair of the Bones-animated shows mentioned at the top of the review, alas. It&rsquo;s by no means an unsightly effort, and certainly holds up, but it just lacks that special something.

Musically, things are better represented with a pleasing and unobtrusive score, which makes up for that pop-tastic and incongruously upbeat intro at the top of every episode. In fact, the music manages to create a certain atmosphere that definitely works in the show&rsquo;s favour.

At a modest 11 episodes in length, Jyu Oh Sei isn&rsquo;t in danger of outstaying its welcome. It&rsquo;s a perfectly watchable piece of soft sci-fi anime fluff that neither does anything exceptionally well or offensively bad. On the downside, there&rsquo;s a fair whiff of &lsquo;too many ideas, too late in the game&rsquo; about the final episode, which might leave you (as it did me) wishing that the middle section of the story had been trimmed down a bit to give the finale some breathing space. The final episode feels particularly rushed, and could well leave you feeling unsatisfied, especially as a few plot threads aren&rsquo;t quite explained or ironed out as clearly and comprehensively as could be.

But if there&rsquo;s one over-riding criticism to be levelled at the show, it would have to be that it plays out in quite a &lsquo;safe&rsquo; fashion. The interesting setting of Chimera aside, this could be any one of a hundred anime adventure shows. It really doesn&rsquo;t offer anything drastically original at all. In fact, it&rsquo;s quite possible that if you&rsquo;ve seen more than a few anime shows you could find it all very predictable. The ground it treads, let's be honest, is very well worn.

That said, there&rsquo;s a place for the sort of entertainment this show offers. It may be middle of the road, but that&rsquo;s no bad thing, and I can see it making perfectly acceptable fare for a lazy weekend with drinks, snacks and maybe even a few friends to hand.

Worth a look - but don&rsquo;t expect anything astonishing.<br>
<b>Final score: 7 out of 10</b>

<b>Additional screencaps</b>

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