Review of Gurren Lagann #1

Wildcard said:
Getting back on topic, well done to Ayase writing such a balanced review. TTGL is surrounded by so much hype these days it can't have been easy to approach.

Hear hear!

My feelings on this show are that it started out worthy of a 10/10 from me (yeah yeah) purely because it was so ridiculous and so entertaining that I was either laughing watching it or staring in shock at how somehow, they'd managed to up the ante yet again in some absurd way. I'm a big fan of mecha series (including a few OTT super robot shows) and this marriage of Gainax's crowd pleasing fanservice and the familiar tropes of the genre tickled me in all the right ways.

Of course they couldn't sustain that level of raw energy and the show shifted gear a few times as it ran its course. I still enjoyed the rest very much, but by the end it had slipped to a strong 8/10 overall. Definitely one of the trickier titles to review fairly; hope you like where it's headed, ayase.

You just gotta love how, even on a small forum, TTGL lovers' show why people hate the series. It's a simplistic show loved by simple people, and the planet is full of far too many stupid, easily pleased people. Its moronic fans alone ruin TTGL.

For the record, I don't hate it. My Naruto quote suggested I do but that isn't the case - I rated it 8/10, after being somewhat torn between 7/10 and 8/10. The reason I used that quote is because it sums up TTGL - great start, woeful finish. Of course, its many fans overlook any and every flaw, some even going as far as to suggest it has depth. The fans who can't accept a series for what it is and feel the need to type ten paragraphs, explaining how what appeared to be aimed at five year olds was in fact aimed at mature adults piss me off. A lot.

OT: I didn't read the review. I simply saw the score and felt the need to point out it starts a hell of a lot better than it finishes, and that I'll never trust your views if you give the final volumes a similar score. That's all.
I think I might have enjoyed Gurren Lagann more had it been a 13-episode series. I clearly remember key plot points but everything in between is hazy, all the battles an indistinct blur. Even though the action scenes were energetic and dynamic, at times it really dragged.
I didn't particularly like the first 7 issh episodes all that much,

I would have gave it about
an 8/10 at that point
but then getting past episode 8 onto episode 11
My view on the show defiantly changed
it then became one of my favourite shows

The show continued to impress me with its fast pace and lovably characters
The ending was magnificent one of the best I've seen thoroughly enjoyably

the summary 2 posts above obviously gives a very different view point
and I finally discovered the word for people like you
your a malapert type person

Oh and there a new show I should recommend to Gurren lagann fans
called needless its not nearly as good imo
But it carries the same spirit that Gurren has
cept with more comedy and ecchi elements