Review: Aquarian Age #1


Ghost of Animes
We have posted Martin Butler's review of Aquarian Age #1, a DVD that was released in mid-July by ADV UK. <ul class="menu2">"After the first five episodes I can honestly say that I don’t know what to make of Aquarian Age. There is an interesting and engaging cast who are worth watching in their own right but the storyline takes its time in picking up pace. As a character drama it works well: there is an engaging cast who are introduced effectively and there are plenty of hidden agendas to keep you guessing. However the next few episodes will really have to work hard to get the action side of the story moving. Overall I am cautiously optimistic for the series and will be intrigued to see how it turns out."</ul><a href="">Read the full review.</a>
Ill just copy my comments from the reveiw over:
Sheesh, i thought this was a anime based on a card game, not a anime about a group of frinds trying to make a band :p

Seriosuly tho, it was good, just not what i expected at all