Revelation Films bringing novelty art-boxes to the UK


Ghost of Animes
Revelation Films are continuing to impress the UK community with their plans for starter set releases of both <a href="">Moon Phase</a> and <a href="">BECK</a>; essentially, these are (presumably limited edition) novelty art-boxes designed to house all DVD volumes of the aforemention anime - <a href="">take a look at the</a> listing for the Beck Starter Set; a themed art-box (&pound;24.99) designed to look and feel like an authentic guitar amp; Beck is about a young rock band rising through the ranks of the Japanese music scene.
BECK box ordered.

Funnily enough, I was tempted to import the American one to get the box. I like Revelation.
I just wish Revelation should spent those hard earn money from Boxsets on improving the site, it looks boring >.>

But seriously, Revelation should get known as Anime Publisher of the year. I think Funi have made a great choice with Rev Films
Now i wish that Rev films would release the FullMetal Alchemist art boxes (w/o the DVD's). I hope and think the chances are quite high that they will eventually get around to it, even Australia have the art boxes.

I haven't seen either of the series' aforementioned; they just didn't seem to interest me.
Jayme said:
Now i wish that Rev films would release the FullMetal Alchemist art boxes (w/o the DVD's). I hope and think the chances are quite high that they will eventually get around to it, even Australia have the art boxes.

I haven't seen either of the series' aforementioned; they just didn't seem to interest me.
Art box 1 is no longer available or in print so there is no possibility of that. Art box 3 was available at the London Expo in May if you bought four volumes of FMA and art box 2 was given away with volume 4 (if I remember correctly) by MVM last year. They offloaded any remainders of those earlier this year with a special offer. The chances are pretty slim at this late stageand the only box you are likely to see now is a boxed set collection which will not be the same style as the limited edition ones.
I have just ordered the BECK set ^_^ Initially, I didn't think it'd be the kind of anime I'd enjoy but after reading up on it, it sounds great!

I honestly cannot wait for September! It's going to be a fantastic month for anime with the FMA movie, Paprika and BECK all coming out!
I have barely any money but I can't resist pre-ordering BECK, its one of my favourite animes so I'm more than happy to shell out to see it again.

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