A mecha is for life, not just for ChristmasWe're in the recording process at the moment so we'll hopefully get the episode out before Christmas.
A Mech is not just for Christmas. It's for washing up as wellA mecha is for life, not just for Christmas![]()
Still have the subbed VHS tapes and the illustration collection book I got when I bought the Dangaio pack via Previews (or Diamond Distribution or whatever they were called back then) in the mid 1990's from my local comic book shop when Nippan Books/US Renditions was closing down and offloading all of their excess stock. The pack came with the three parts of the OVA on separate tapes (subtitled) and the first illustration collection book I ever owned Toshihiro Hirano's "Onna Iware Mega Character Paradise", which is mostly Iczer franchise stuff, Dangaio and few other pieces. The book is really high quality, almost all colour, hardcover and still has the original obi which has survived really well over the last 20 years on my shelf. Easily the best anime related purchase I made in that decade.
I have a new printer/scanner, but haven't had the time to set it up. Oddly the book seems to be reasonably hard to find. The listing on Mandarake gives a few sample pages. Think a fair bit of the material is duplicated in the Character Works illustration collection. A lot of oddities in Mega Character Paradise book. Looks like Hirano was commissioned to do artwork for Godzilla Vs Biolante and the 1990 tokusatsu series aimed at girls, Poitrine.What a purchase and that book sounds amazing, I would love to see the artwork in it. It always frustrated me having to wait so long for to see the first episode of Dangaioh after learning that the first episode was missing from the UK VHS.