Retro Anime Podcast - Episode 37 "Tokyo Godfathers"

I coincidentally watched a bunch of Gall Force right before this episode came out. I found it because of the Kenichi Sonada character designer connection to Bubblegum Crisis. While I wasn’t quite as high on them as you guys, I did have fun watching the first three installments. The Sonada designs helped a lot in that regard. I do feel that Eternal Story had the best cast and Destruction and Stardust War felt a little lacking for not having most of those characters return.

I really enjoy the podcast (It brought me to this forum!) and I’m working on catching up on older episodes. The Vampire Hunter D / Princess Miyu was a fun listen as those were both ones I’d seen when I was younger.
Hi Kuriiro,

Welcome the forum! Thank you for taking the time to comment, I'm really happy that you're enjoying the podcast, Lewis and I have a lot of fun making it and it's always great to read positive feedback on it.

Thanks again for listening and I hope you enjoy the rest of our back catalogue.

Ian (Orgun)
Spotted this on facebook today, something I'd never seen before - a page from the original photo story that formed the basis for the Gall Force anime. Makes you wonder if they ever considered filming it with Thunderbirds-style puppetry, rather than doing cel animation.

Contains barbie-doll level nudity, but linked rather than embedded, just in case.
Cool, thanks for sharing that link, that's the first time I've seen the any of the original Star Front photo story as well. Looks really good and the anime was a good translation from one medium to another. Would have been interesting to see an X-Bomber style puppet show definitely.
Hi Everyone,

Lewis and I will be recording the next episode of the podcast in the next week where we will be reviewing a couple of 80's OVAs; Twilight Q and Love Position - The Legend of Halley.

Please leave any questions or comments here.


Hi Everyone,

Episode 14 is out where Lewis and I take a look at a couple of 80's OVAs; Twilight Q and Love Position - The Legend of Halley

Find it on Soundcloud here: Retro Anime Podcast #14 'Twilight Of The Comet'

You can can also find it iTunes, Stitcher, TuneIn, Overcast FM, Pocket Casts, Cast Box Podcast Player and most podcast apps and hosting services by searching for Retro Anime Podcast.

Thanks for listening,

Ian (Orgun)
One of my friends told me about Twilight Q a long time ago, but it had gone out of my mind until you brought it up on this episode. It's certainly a strange watch; I didn't realise going into it that it had been intended as a showcase for new talent, so I kept looking for some kind of theme that would tie the two films together!

While I didn't dislike Reflection, the main thing that appealed to me was just its very kitsch 1980s aesthetic. I'd originally thought they were going for something along the lines of The Time Traveller's Wife with the story, where it would be saying something about the main girl reflecting on important points in her life, but the lack of a punchline at the end was a real disappointment, and the 1930s section in particular seemed to have no bearing on anything.

File 538 feels very much in keeping with a lot of Oshii's other work though, I think. Looking at what he's doing between Beautiful Dreamer and Ghost in the Shell, he seems to have a real interest in how narrative is constructed, and I thought this film was a really good example of that, with the way the nature of what the detective is experiencing keeps changing. The use of dropped in photographs for backgrounds was interesting as well. Anywhere else it might seem lazy, but here I think it adds to the unsettling atmosphere and sense of the uncanny that seem to run throughout the whole thing.

I'm interested to check out Love Position too though. It sounds very different to what the title might lead you to expect!
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Your comments on Twilight Q are pretty much in line with what Lewis and I thought about it. Reflections is a few ideas that don't hang together very well but looks nice but I really like File 538 and how it constructs the narrative.

Lewis and I did joke about Love Position's title when we were first discussing the episode :)
Hi Everyone,

Lewis and I will be recording the next episode of the podcast in the next week where we will be reviewing a couple of adventure OVAs with reviews of Bavi Stock and Explorer Woman Ray.

Please leave any questions or comments here.


Explorer Woman Ray is one I'd been interested in for quite a while - the Indiana Jones style adventure theme always appeals to me - but I was a little disappointed when I finally saw it. The action animation in the first episode is well handled, but the only thing that really sticks in my mind is how surprisingly unlikeable Ray could be as a main character - she's mighty quick to hold a knife to that girl's throat! Seeing that it came out in 89 though, I checked the dates out of curiosity, and, amusingly enough, the first part was released in Japan the day after Last Crusade opened in the US - hardly seems like a coincidence...

Bavi Stock I randomly picked up a raw of ages ago, but I didn't realise it had been subtitled! I'll need to have a proper look at it.
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Ditto on Prof Irony. It'll be a new one on me so I'll be all the keener on what you have to say.

Gonna be a bit bold and ask opinions on Cyber Formula, Dead Leaves and Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust.
Thanks for listening Cudwieser.

I haven't seen Cyber Formula since the mid 00s but I do remember it being entertaining and enjoying it and it's a show I've wanted to get around to watching again. Dead Leaves I've never seen and Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust is a great film and definitely worth checking out, listen to episode 8 of the podcast for some views on it along with a review on the original OVA.
Hi Everyone,

Episode 15 is out where Lewis and I take a look at a couple of adventure themed 80's OVAs; Bavi Stock and Explorer Woman Ray

Find it on Soundcloud here: Retro Anime Podcast #15 'Explorer's Stock'

You can can also find it iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn, Overcast FM, Pocket Casts, Cast Box Podcast Player and most podcast apps and hosting services by searching for Retro Anime Podcast.

Thanks for listening,

Ian (Orgun)
Listening to the Explorer Woman Ray part of the episode today, it occurred to me to wonder if there isn't some kind of drinking game to be made of it? Take a sip every time someone mentions Ray's grandfather, then seek medical attention at the end of episode 2...
Hi Everyone,

Lewis and I will be recording the next episode of the podcast tomorrow where we'll be taking a look at the dawn of the modern anime industry with reviews of Hakujaden and Anju to Zushio Maru.

Reply here with any questions or comments you have for us.


Hi Everyone,

Episode 16 is out where Lewis and I take a look at a couple of Toei Animation's first films that started the modern day anime industry with reviews of Hakujaden and Anju to Zushio Maru.

Find it on Soundcloud here: Retro Anime Podcast #16 'At The Beginning'

You can can also find it iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn, Overcast FM, Pocket Casts, Cast Box Podcast Player and most podcast apps and hosting services by searching for Retro Anime Podcast.

Thanks for listening,

Ian (Orgun)
Hi Everyone,

We'll be recording the next episode of the podcast in a few days which will feature the second part of our Gall Force retrospective where we'll take a look at the second story arc with reviews of Rhea Gall Force, Gall Force: Earth Chapter and Gall Force: New Era.

Reply here with any questions or comments you have for us.

