Resident Evil 4 - Really That Great?

Churchy99 said:
rocklee said:
just wait till resi evil umbrella chronicles wii comes out at the end of november!
all resi games in 1 combined so u know what happened between resis
it's even harder if you shoot the lights out which makes it even scarier!

I agree! I'm looking foward to this one!! I didn't know that bout the lights - nice touch!! Hopefully some plot holes will be filled in too! For those who don't know much about it or who are scared to read anything on it - When I first heard the announcement I thought it would be like survivor but when I checked out the first video and screens I was surprised and excited!!!! November 30th here we come!!

As long as its not like Survivor then i'm sold! Been wanting to get back into the resi games since i saw the first videos of Resi 5
Yeah I agree with BlackWolf - if its as well thought out as it looks then its a yes from me! I'm aware that it might not involve all the games but if it is good enough it could get a sequel filling even more plot holes in!
it's a shame they don't include resi 2 that was my fav one! apparently there is some sort of contraption that u put your nunchunk and controller in that suits this game really well (but i have forgotton what is was :S )
rocklee said:
lol yeah that's the one...i wonder what resi 5's gonna be like? (mind you it technically is resi 10 or something)

I think it might be a bit more then that as long as you're not counting multipe versions the same game. Afterall had you forgotten about the dire Resident Evil Gaiden on the Gameboy? As for Resi 5 i'm betting gameplay similar to 4 while having a setting more like 2 & 3. I know the videos of all been in the daytime but i wonder if their will be progression from day to night like Capcom's Dead Rising game.
i have news! resident evil 5 is coming out around the end of march 2008 on ps3 and xbox360 (no news on the wii yet)
i've also got the list of resi games released so this is what was released:
0,1,2,3,4,veronica,veronica X, dead aim,survivor,gun survivor,deadly silence,gaiden,outbreak,outbreak 2 and umbrella chronicals
that seems to be the most of them lol
no doubt the release of 5 will be put further back but hey!
rocklee said:
i have news! resident evil 5 is coming out around the end of march 2008 on ps3 and xbox360 (no news on the wii yet)
i've also got the list of resi games released so this is what was released:
0,1,2,3,4,veronica,veronica X, dead aim,survivor,gun survivor,deadly silence,gaiden,outbreak,outbreak 2 and umbrella chronicals
that seems to be the most of them lol
no doubt the release of 5 will be put further back but hey!

Gun Survivor and Survivor are the same game just to let you know. I can remember when websites put July 07 as tbe release date of resi 5 :lol:
It all depends on if you count the remakes - veronica X is just veronica but with a teeny bit more content and etc - hmm havent made up my mind on 5 yet - I need more footage to see if its worth getting!!
Its a good game but its a bad Resident Evil game, for the simple reason that its not "Resident Evil". It wasn't scary, it was linear, they weren't really zombies and if you changed a few of the characters names you'd never know it was Resident Evil.

A games company did this before many years ago. Mario Bros 2 is really a game called Doki Doki Panic, everyone always knew there was something wrong with that game.

This is what Resident Evil 4 should have been:
March 2008? where did you hear that from? since from what i know, thats not true. The chances are closer to the end of next year at the earliest for RE5.
As for UC, it was released state-side today and from what i hear its good, and apparently has over a hundred files on the game so there should be no lack on info around the racoon city events and umbrella.
Resi 5 looks awsome, but I'm annoyed at all the people that claim its racist. Its set up in a country that has mainly black residents (am I allowed to call them blacks? I can't even remember, not trying to offend anyone) and I'm sure I've seen white people in the trailers. PLUS so far on resi 4, I have yet to see a single black? THATS RACIST! catch my drift? The MP that also blames violent video games on shooters can sod off, wooo I'm tipsy :)

edit: 300th post makes me a cute addict, good or a bad thing I don't know
Dragon of Heaven said:
Its a good game but its a bad Resident Evil game, for the simple reason that its not "Resident Evil". It wasn't scary, it was linear, they weren't really zombies and if you changed a few of the characters names you'd never know it was Resident Evil.

A games company did this before many years ago. Mario Bros 2 is really a game called Doki Doki Panic, everyone always knew there was something wrong with that game.

This is what Resident Evil 4 should have been:

yeah you pretty much got it - Yeah I'm glad you knew about Mario Bros 2 as most people I meet dont know much about its past! Although it did pave the way for things (the shy guy was invented for that game etc)
Yeah I've seen that video before would have been interesting to have seen the finished product - apparantly someone said that that version became devil may cry but I dont know how true that is
I like resi evil 4 how it is, i think it was a bold move to go away from zombies for the moment plus it allowed for semi smart enemies. Plus being linear isn't a bad thing, as long as it's done right that is. Back to Resi 5 though and i too think that the racist issue is stupid, but unfortunatly we have stupid people in powerful places.
amazon did have march now they have put may..other sites say november..can sony put em outta their misery and say a date!
yea i knew veronica and all that where just different titles but the same game but they were different platforms in the end (i just did it released resi games that had different titles to eachother)
i did think resi 4 was a let down they changed leon! (he had a high voice and ginger hair!) he was way better in resi 2! with this racist remark on resi 5 if they do put any of em in then they are gonna moan that we are shooting & killing em!
rocklee said:
i did think resi 4 was a let down they changed leon! (he had a high voice and ginger hair!) he was way better in resi 2!

He was ginger? :eek: He didn't look that different to me, (well apart from the change of clothes :p ) In my mind the order of the best main resi games goes a little something like this...

Resident Evil 2
Resident Evil 4
Resident Evil 1
Resident Evil 3
Resident Evil 0
rocklee said:
amazon did have march now they have put may..other sites say november..can sony put em outta their misery and say a date!
yea i knew veronica and all that where just different titles but the same game but they were different platforms in the end (i just did it released resi games that had different titles to each other)

Never listen to amazon, and any date you may see for it is not exact, in fact capcom themselves haven't agreed upon a date so there is no point in believing any date until capcom themselves give a date.
BlackWolf said:
I like resi evil 4 how it is, i think it was a bold move to go away from zombies for the moment plus it allowed for semi smart enemies. Plus being linear isn't a bad thing, as long as it's done right that is. Back to Resi 5 though and i too think that the racist issue is stupid, but unfortunatly we have stupid people in powerful places.

Oh yeah the whole racist issue is just people clutching straws - Its only racist if they make it out to be racist or are looking for something to make a point out of! - If we wanted too we could make something up about how its discrimantory to pink fluffy elephants - I'm sure there would be a way!!
i've never played resi zero..didn't have a gamecube..i gotta wii now so i guess i could buy it...
i really don't have one that i hate the ones i have played were all fab!
lol ask them if the can put pink fluffy zombie elephants in the game so we can moan bout it lmao XD