Replication issue forces Anime Limited to delay Perfect Blue and Cowboy Bebop


Monsieur Monster
AUKN Staff
Today, Anime Limited announced on their official website that two of their upcoming titles have unfortunately had to have their release dates pushed back to&nbsp;<strong>2nd December, 2013&nbsp;</strong>due to manufacturing issues, with&nbsp;the packaging printed by the replicators being too big.

The first affected title is the Blu-ray/DVD combo-pack of the late Satoshi Kon's&nbsp;<strong>Perfect Blue</strong>&nbsp;anime movie, which was already delayed previously. The DVD version is currently available.

The second affected title is the DVD Complete Collection of Shinichiro Watanabe's classic&nbsp;<strong>Cowboy Bebop</strong>, which was initially delayed due to Anime Limited scrapping their original plan to release the series over 4 DVD discs to ensure a much better picture quality. Cowboy Bebop is currently available on Blu-ray in two individual parts.


Re: Replication issue forces Anime Limited to delay Perfect

A shame indeed but if its for a better product i can easily wait for Perfect Blue.
Re: Replication issue forces Anime Limited to delay Perfect

Hopefully these blips are just teething issues in the first year because they're regularly occurring. Perfect Blue is still one of my most anticipated BD's so no chance i'm cancelling the order.

Makes you wonder whether AL need to look elsewhere for their production/replication.
Re: Replication issue forces Anime Limited to delay Perfect

britguy said:
Hopefully these blips are just teething issues in the first year because they're regularly occurring. Perfect Blue is still one of my most anticipated BD's so no chance i'm cancelling the order.

Makes you wonder whether AL need to look elsewhere for their production/replication.

Definitely will be! This should happen less and less though as things proceed as it's all about grids that the printers supply and our factory outsource too. Amazingly enough we keep all business within the E.U. for this kind of project so you'd think it'd be easier.

But as each set of grids is supplied per project, we're confident future projects will fit one of the templates used so it'll crop up less and less. Frustrating still and I think the pic we posted summarises it!


Re: Replication issue forces Anime Limited to delay Perfect

The transparency is key here, as if it was a faceless organisation delaying and delaying I think more people would be put off than they are by the fact you're here explaining and apologising.

Thanks :thumb:
Re: Replication issue forces Anime Limited to delay Perfect

As frustrating as it is to see that there is more delays, i'm not too worried really. If it means that Perfect Blue gets the best release it possibly can then i don't mind the wait, i'll be picking it up regardless because it is one of my all time favourite films. I'm just glad its getting a BD release as well, and i'd love to see if we can expect similar style releases for the rest of the upcoming film releases and such as well.

So yeah, a wait is fine so long as it means we get a product that's at its best. I just wish game developers understood that logic as well, but it's wishful thinking, hah.
Re: Replication issue forces Anime Limited to delay Perfect

This' startin' to get real old, guys. This better not be happening when you're asking £redonk for LE Boxsets.
Re: Replication issue forces Anime Limited to delay Perfect

ConanThe3rd said:
This' startin' to get real old, guys. This better not be happening when you're asking £redonk for LE Boxsets.

Yep and for sure not :).

Re: Replication issue forces Anime Limited to delay Perfect

I'd rather a delay than the all-too-common solution of "let's just release the messed up version" any time! Glad that quality control is occurring, I know firsthand how annoying supplier screw-ups can be.

Re: Replication issue forces Anime Limited to delay Perfect

It's better to get it right than put out a faulty release so good on you Andrew for not rushing it out son!
Re: Replication issue forces Anime Limited to delay Perfect

ConanThe3rd said:
I get it's what's to be done but it sure doesn't stop it sucking a whole load.

Agreed, it's been high on my most wanted list since it was announced in April, so each and every one of the four delays have stung bad.
Re: Replication issue forces Anime Limited to delay Perfect

robot monkey said:
I hope to see this before I retire. I don't even have confidence we will see this released this year.

Definitely December 2nd on both parts, we've had formal apologies from replicators too for this who were managed by Sony DADC. It's not something common but as the festive season runs were on them this kind of thing is not unknown to happen.

It's frustrating for us because it's completely out of our hands and naturally impacts on things - we effectively are punished cash-in wise (even if pre-orders rise, it means you get the money in later too vs spend on authoring etc) AND in terms of fan reaction like this, not through ranting but of opinions that quite frankly I can understand!

Review discs arrive to the Anime Ltd offices tomorrow and will make the shipping date of December 2nd as promised though.

My apologies again for this delay and I hope you're not planning retirement for December!

Very best,

President, Anime Limited
Re: Replication issue forces Anime Limited to delay Perfect

Just do your best guys. I'll still be picking up Perfect Blue release day and I can finally get something more updated than my old VHS copy.

Just like to mention also that the Cowboy Bebop blu-ray releases surpassed my expectations in terms of quality. It's obvious a lot of care was put into those products so, thank you.
Re: Replication issue forces Anime Limited to delay Perfect

Curiously it still shows the release date on Amazon as the 27th November. Plus it was the Guardian's featured home release review for this week.

@anime_andrew thanks for that update much appreciated. :)