Today, Anime Limited announced on their official website that two of their upcoming titles have unfortunately had to have their release dates pushed back to <strong>2nd December, 2013 </strong>due to manufacturing issues, with the packaging printed by the replicators being too big.
The first affected title is the Blu-ray/DVD combo-pack of the late Satoshi Kon's <strong>Perfect Blue</strong> anime movie, which was already delayed previously. The DVD version is currently available.
The second affected title is the DVD Complete Collection of Shinichiro Watanabe's classic <strong>Cowboy Bebop</strong>, which was initially delayed due to Anime Limited scrapping their original plan to release the series over 4 DVD discs to ensure a much better picture quality. Cowboy Bebop is currently available on Blu-ray in two individual parts.
The first affected title is the Blu-ray/DVD combo-pack of the late Satoshi Kon's <strong>Perfect Blue</strong> anime movie, which was already delayed previously. The DVD version is currently available.
The second affected title is the DVD Complete Collection of Shinichiro Watanabe's classic <strong>Cowboy Bebop</strong>, which was initially delayed due to Anime Limited scrapping their original plan to release the series over 4 DVD discs to ensure a much better picture quality. Cowboy Bebop is currently available on Blu-ray in two individual parts.