Recommend an anime dub

Composer Joe Hisaishi was commissioned to rework and extend his original synthesizer-composed soundtrack into a 90-minute piece for symphony orchestra in an effort to make the movie more accessible to U.S. audiences.
Make what you will of that.
Well there you go he had to make it into a 90 min work and make more to the americans liking. Ah well american's are idiots have a classic pieace of cinema then they screw it up nice one.
I make of it the fact that "synthesizer" is faced off against "symphony orchestra". I fail to see why we get the age old "blame it on those fussy americans" style attitude in that quote when we're talking about Hisaishi getting a chance to go back to his original score with a better budget, in an age that has rightfully ditched the synthesizer for the godawful thing that it was.

The fact of the matter is, regardless of whatever Disney told Hisaishi they wanted, he went ahead with it himself, and you cannot discount the possibility that what they wanted was also what he wanted (I'm not hearing the abuse of synthesizers in Spirited Away or Howl's Moving Castle). Therefore, it's an authentic Ghibli soundtrack and if it's bad, it's their own fault. Not that it actually IS bad, unlike say, Anna "Medium Density Fibreboard" Paquin's approach to voicing Sheeta.
But I can really because hes never made a musical score like that before even for the later films. Not one that plays nearly all they way through same goes for ever anime film iv seen none have done the hollywood aproch apart from vampire hunter D bloodlust which was a co prodction and it was a american who did the score. And lets just say all the voice acting was fine apart from the hand which from the origanl only spoke like twice in the film and did only say one joke which was quite funny. Were as in blood lust he has been turend into some kind of funny side kick telling the viewer aka americans whats going on in the story because D dosent talk much. And blood has hollywood type score which was voice acted well for the dub apart from those all the score I have heard are very different from hollywood ones.