Reaper - TV Series



Sam Oliver lives at home with his parents and brother in the Seattle area. He has always wondered why his Mom and Dad were so easy on him, whether it was sports, school, or career choices, and so hard on his younger brother, Keith. Sam dropped out of college ("It made him sleepy", his mother explains) and takes a dead-end job at the 'Work Bench', a home-repair superstore similar to Home Depot (the pilot was filmed at a Canadian Tire in Burnaby, BC). He spends the rest of his time hanging out, playing video games, and pining for his co-worker Andi (Missy Peregrym).

On Sam's 21st birthday, his parents are behaving very strangely and Sam himself is seeing hellish visions and experiencing odd events. His father eventually explains that they had promised their firstborn child to the Devil because Sam's father was very sick. Although the couple intended to cheat the devil by having no children, this plan goes awry when Satan convinces their doctor to lie and tell the couple that they cannot conceive in exchange for wiping his gambling debts clean. Sam is born shortly thereafter.

After informing him of his fate, Satan explains to Sam that he must serve as his bounty hunter, tracking down souls that have escaped from Hell and sending them back using his new powers (which have included telekinesis and electrical powers) and vessels (with a Italian inscription reading: "Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate" / "Leave all hope, you who enter") specially designed for each job (such as a Dirt Devil vacuum cleaner). Although Sam initially balks, Satan tells him that should he refuse, then Sam's mother's soul is forfeit. Unwilling to sacrifice his mother and convinced that he is doing good in the world by tracking down evil souls, Sam accepts his fate and, with the help of his slacker friends, begins his new life tracking down the corrupted souls trying to escape their own eternal rewards.


Thats all I can say about this series, the casting is spot on from Sam and his friends (all losers stuck in dead end jobs) to the devil who is exactly how I'd imagine him, think Vegas Casino Boss.

The origingal Pilot was the brian child of Writer/Director Kevin Smith and you can see his comedy style and preference of words over action in every scene.

This series is currently airing in the US with no UK date but if you can get hold of copies please do you will not be disappointed
ok, i have not seen or heard of this series until now, and no i have not watched any episodes yet i am posting.... you mentioned one guys name in that post and thats all i need to hear to want to watch it.

its the work of Kevin Smith, so people go out and get a hold of it, it will be good.l
Definately a fun series, and looks like its in for a long run.

You can watch it just to see what Sam's best friend Sock comes up with each episode
Its starting on E4, Just overheard the advert - Wednesday E4 9:00 - I'm going to be sticking for a record methinks, It sounds interesting. I'll be back with my full judgement once I watch it... I'm expecting a lot of Black Humor, the best form there is.
..Now that I think that about.. Why does E4 generally show the better series' I mean, Scrubs doesn't even get a peek in on Channel 4 any more, And that is sad. Can't wait to 'ave a butch at this series anyway.
Not a lot of Black Humour, but you definately watch it thinking, wow i would love to work where he does and have friends like his to keep me entertained.

Plus I love it when the devil is not so much an evil guy morelike a used car salesman or vegas casino host I've seen up to ep 10 so far (writers strike has stopped it there) but I have to say I have not become bored with it yet and I can easily watch the eps over and over again which I find is a good indicator of the quality of a series
Jayme said:
Its starting on E4, Just overheard the advert - Wednesday E4 9:00 - I'm going to be sticking for a record methinks, It sounds interesting.
Thanks for the heads up. Think I too shall be setting my recorder. Sounds like it's rite down my street.
Thank God! Just checked the E4 website and there's a repeat of the pilot on Saturday nite so I haven't lost my chance yet.

Note to self "set up to record!".
Voddas said:
Thank God! Just checked the E4 website and there's a repeat of the pilot on Saturday nite so I haven't lost my chance yet.

Lol, thanks i'm happy now, at least i've not missed it completely.

Also Kevin Smith is the sh*t., Which is probably the only reason i'm gonna watch it.
Hopefully after Saturday I won't be the only fan.... after all....

"Everytime there's a power cut an angel gets its wings....... ok so everytime there's a power cut someone dies" - Sock