Rate the last anime you watched!

Code Geass R2



Some people refer to geass as a trainwreck. A fabulous trainwreck as it were. Some parts (particularly a later arc) seemed pretty bad, but I also think back to when it hooked me so much I was watching three-five episodes a day (I'm pretty irregular when it comes to watching stuff).

I feel it could have been done better to match the "feel" of season 1. However after watching the final episode everything was reigned together into a satisfying and emotional ending.

There seemed to be some introduced for very little reason. Some appeared with no foreshadowing and others from the original season played little part.

However it featured Lelouch vi Brittania and in combination with some other characters I'll give it a generous 8.5/10

It features Jun Fukuyama and Norio Wakamoto. Even if the others had been speaking in Engrish the whole time I'd give it a decent score.


Functional with some high moments. CLAMP. Some dropoff during part of the series.

Though not as tightly plotted as the first season, this remains a series that draws you in, and even during some meh events keeps your attention. I both love it, and think it could have been more at the same time.

Death Note Volume 3: From end of episode 17-20 didn't really seem up to the usual level of DN awesomness but the second disc really kicked in and made for some great episodes.

Full Metal Panic 9/10
I loved this series, much more than I was expecting to. It had homour, action and romance (of a sort). I found it a shame that each episode was shorter than your usuall anime epidodes running for only 20 mins. Maybe if the episodes were longer, I mite not have like it as much. Definetly a series I enjoyed and was always looking forward to the next episode.

Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu 8/10
Also great fun. Basicly it's based more around the school and the humourouse side of the anime but still very much enjoyed it.

Next to view is Second Barrage :D
Dan said:
Last full series

Think it was Samurai Champloo, I give it 9/10

Just clicked with me :D

It's clicked with everyone I know who's watched it ^^

" I thought I was in a dream... there was fire and the place was burning...-"

" That was no dream"

"-...and you were lying in a tub with your Dong hanging out..."

" That was a dream."
Air Gear

The story was weak at parts and I couldn't stop thinking. "Oh come on their just roller blades cut the drama!"
If it didn't have lots of funny, parts it would of sucked.
It also, ended way to soon and the ending sucked.

But its many lulz saved it imo

Detroit Metal City

Plot: 9/10

It's a pure comedy, so no deepness or hidden meanings, but the story is brilliant if you ask me! Each ep brings out smth new & fresh.

Characters: 9/10

Not too many but everyone has a role there. No meaningless chars, that pop up for the sole sake of popping up. There were some that pissed me off, but each of them had a story and a place in the series.

Art: 8/10

I guess fans of beautiful bishonens or charming girls won't be satisfied with the design since it's purely shonen. I personally liked it since it matched the story ^^

Animation: 9/10

Nothing too sophisticated (I mean no visible 3D effects), more like similar to the old stuff, but for me it's a large plus!!!

Sound: 9/10

Well, since this anime is about music, if they messed up the OST it'd be a disaster xDD It's fantastic!!!!

Total: 8.8/10

Great series, good laugh & no boredom (each ep - 15 mins ^^)

I recommend it to everyone!!!