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I suppose you could look at the film as less of a comment on climate change and more riffing on Japan's more inherent natural precariousness. But I'm not sure I buy the argument that the Japanese are in general more blasé about the global climate crisis we're in, especially when so many of us (including myself in this) in the UK have our heads in the sand, most importantly our political leaders.

I feel like both WWY and YN are essentially intended to be pieces of comfort food across the board to help numb a mass audience ill at ease in our modern world and needing consolation. But I feel like these films go about this in a cheap, cynical and exploitative way.

I'm not trying to insult anyone who does love this film by the way! We just look at it from different angles. I do get where Radfem in coming from, it is refreshing in a certain way to have an big anime film essentially saying, screw society I just want to be happy. I just wish it did it in a different way or it at least had more interesting characters.
