Professor Munakata's British Museum Adventure

Genkina Hito

Amazon UK have <a href="">listed</a> the English-language release of Professor Munakata&rsquo;s British Museum Adventure, a Japanese manga created by Yukinobu Hoshino, the chap behind 2001 Nights.
<a title="hoshino_ProfMunakata by Mercury Rex, on Flickr" href=""></a>

The manga centres on the ethnologist&nbsp;Professor Munataka, a scholar of folklore and history who travels around the world encountering various adventures. In 2009, Hoshino was at the <a href="">British Museum</a> and created a new story that features some of the museum&rsquo;s&nbsp;most iconic objects over the course of ten episodes.
According to Amazon, the British Museum Press is set to publish the manga on the 2nd of May and the price has been set at &pound;14.99
<a href="">Source</a>
Ah, so it isn't going to be something I can only get through the Museum's website?

Also 2nd May? Says 31st October there.