Prison Break


I watched this a while back and I loved every minute of it, my favourite drama series easily (didnt really watch them till PB). The complete box set is out in September which Ill defantly be getting cant wait to watch it all again.

The second series is due it air in a few months time too.
I started watching about 5 or 6 episodes in and got hooked on it. It's got some great ideas but you do have to take some of the show with a pinch of salt: the female doctor who gets left with the male prisoners, huge pipes for them to crawl about in etc.

I still don't like Wentworth Miller's "acting", but he does the job. The season one finale was insane and I can't wait to see what plans the prisoners will come up with next.
Jetsam said:
I still don't like Wentworth Miller's "acting", but he does the job. The season one finale was insane and I can't wait to see what plans the prisoners will come up with next.

I wasnt sure with his acting to being with then I just got used to it. Plus the episode cliffhangers are annoyingly addictive, even the last episode ends on a cliffhanger.
Just couldn't get into it, something about it just didn't click for me, besides I found that watching the weekly trailers was enough to keep up with the story and see the best bits (just like in Lost)
I thought it was a bit pants and didn't bother watching it. I watched ONE episode and became hooked. Can't wait for the next Series. Prison Break: Manhunt!!
Guyver 0 UK said:
I thought it was a bit pants and didn't bother watching it. I watched ONE episode and became hooked. Can't wait for the next Series. Prison Break: Manhunt!!

Exactly what happen with me, that first episode is amazingly attention grabbing, Lost had the same kind of effect too but not as much as Prison Break.
Prison Break has a lot more story pay off than Lost. Which makes it more watchable. Like when Sucre was out of his cell. i was so scared he would get caught.
The new series kicks off just like the last, brilliantly suprising and one of the main characters dies as well :shock: got my Prison Break complete season 1 box set on pre-order too, bring on next monday :D.
Xelis said:
The new series kicks off just like the last, brilliantly suprising and one of the main characters dies as well :shock:

I kinda guessed that character was gonna die :lol: . Teabag trying to get a vet to sew his hand back on was funny :lol:
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Necromancer said:
Xelis said:
The new series kicks off just like the last, brilliantly suprising and one of the main characters dies as well :shock:

I kinda guessed that character was gonna die :lol: . Teabag trying to get a vet to sew his hand back on was funny :lol:
lol I loved that part as well, over on the prison break forums they are trying to figure out what the dots mean on the paper swan that Sara pulled out of her bag.
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Guyver 0 said:
tried it in morse code its something like


Yeah, people have thought of morse code but.. it turns out like that, theres been a suggestion that if you count the dots down it forms a phone number.

.... = 9

I bet it's something even simpler.
but the thing is some of the code splits

... .. .. ... .... ... ... .. ....
.... .. .. . ... . .. .. ... .
.. ... .... ... . .. ..

thats the code
You got a bit of the code wrong :D

... .. .. . .. .... ... ... .. ....
.... .. .. . ... . .. .. ... .
.. ... . ... ... . .. .

somebody in FOX forum claimed having found the truth:
u just simply add these dots vertical to get
(975)586 7655
