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Here's my November haul:


A bit less than I'd normally buy in a month, but that's also good for a change. Of the above I've only read Komi so far, so my backlog continues to grow 😐

Was also under the impression I had vol 2 of Syrup, but checking my spreadsheets and digging through boxes reveals that I only have vol 1 and now also vol 3. Since it's an anthology I assume it doesn't hurt reading them out of order, though last time I did that with éclair there were a couple of authors who created consecutive stories that build upon each other. Does anyone know if that's the case with Syrup as well?

[spoiler="List of titles and language they're in"]

Parasite in Love - vol 1 (German)

Forever Girls (German)

Mädchen X Mädchen (German)

Boy's Abyss - vol 2 (German)

Don't Toy With me, Miss Nagatoro - vol 7 (English)

Komi Can't Communicate - vol 14 (English)

Syrup - vol 3 (English)

Kakegurui - vol 13 (English)

