Post It Notes


School Idol
It's just occured to me how big an enthusiast of Post It notes I must be... my desk is absolutely littered with them, each with a vital bit of information which usually gets forgotten about. On the other hand, they're extremely useful for an 'emergency' doodle or a great idea that's about to escape my mind.

Anyone else here fans of these ubiquitous yellow squares of paper? Got a story to share? Lol.
Same here my desk is covered in them, each one abouta job or task which must be completed today, why I don't just write a list I will never know
I hardly ever forget things on the 'to do' list, but now that it was mentioned, they'd be extremely useful for planning/remembering small, otherwise unnoticable things.
I should really buy some to be honest... I just have loads of large bits of paper with like one little sentence on each trying to remind me of something :p
I haven't used it in a while but I have a notepad file called "blah etc" on my desktop which I put down all the nonsensical things I want to remember.
They're a must-have at work. I "acquired" a fat multipack a few months ago, and stashed them away to be used whenever I so need.

There's some arrow shaped ones floating around, and some nice pink heart ones too...gotta get some of them soon... >_>
Aaron said:
There's some arrow shaped ones floating around

I used those when i was in high school, i have to admit the whole arrow idea did get abused abit, they were mostly stuck on girls backs pointing down... oh the good ol days...
Weird this should come up, there was a movie on last night in which post its featured very prominently(movie was kinda crap).

Any way, nope cant say I use`um, just always have a notebook handy.
My fellow work colleagues seem to think I need reminding of things so they stick postit notes with tasks all over my desk, maybe its cause when it comes to remembering things I'm as good at it as a gold fish.

best thing to do with post it notes when your bored is to draw a lil cartoon and watch it move lol
Y'know, this may be the most interesting topic I've ever read! Seriously, I have no idea why, my eyes were just glued to my monitor while reading all of the replies haha.

Anyway, I've never really used them for anything constructive. But; it did remind me of Bruce Almighty when literally everything in his house gets covered in them, that was pretty funny.