Post awesome openings

Outlawstar said:
Am I the only one who cant find an embed button.
Help :D

On the YouTube page you want to embed, there is an 'embed file' link to the right of the movie. You just copy and paste this into the relevent post on the forums and it auto links to the file.

harkins said:
But Dai Guard is the GREATEST EVER!!! Ba ba ba ra ra ra ....

You are going to get such a smack. I detest that theme tune. :x :p
Tasker said:
Outlawstar said:
Am I the only one who cant find an embed button.
Help :D

On the YouTube page you want to embed, there is an 'embed file' link to the right of the movie. You just copy and paste this into the relevent post on the forums and it auto links to the file.

harkins said:
But Dai Guard is the GREATEST EVER!!! Ba ba ba ra ra ra ....

You are going to get such a smack. I detest that theme tune. :x :p

Oh right, thanks Tasker, I was using the normal hyperlink.
time to waste more of mcicy's life i guess

time for a moe fest i guess

starting with Lucky Star

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Haurhi ofc

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the 2nd opening of Mai-Otome - Crystal Energy

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and finnaly, possibly my favourite piece of anime music


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best outro's, imo:

Ouran's is really good:
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Bleach's 1st outro is cool:
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Code geass's 1st ftw!
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Haibane's opening is brilliant, It doesn't even need vocals
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Gundam SEED 1st
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Gundam SEED 2nd
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And last but not least

Denno Coil's opening:
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I have such a soft spot for the first two Saiyuki openings.

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Outlaw Star

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annnnd Ouran High School Host Club

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Those are legendary
Tasker said:
harkins said:
But Dai Guard is the GREATEST EVER!!! Ba ba ba ra ra ra ....

You are going to get such a smack. I detest that theme tune. :x :p
Ha ha ha!!! If I had my way it'd played very loud on huge speakers all over the world 24-7!!!!!

Here's a closer that I thought was oustanding in it's simplicity. And I love the bleakness too!

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If I ever end up on the street, I'll be strumming my Guitar and singing this song to fleece you of your spare change.
I know there aren't many football fans on here but I thought some might appreciate me pointing out that during Kupoartist's Ideon post above, there sounds the line "Spurs on on their way" after 0.57 and 1.04. It just seemed apt after they got to the league cup final last night. And of course "Spurs are on their way to Wembley" is a fairly well known (if not often used!) song in the football world.
kupoartist said:
If I ever end up on the street, I'll be strumming my Guitar and singing this song to fleece you of your spare change.
If you played it well enough, I'd give you all that you desire. ;]

@ Harkins: Yeah, it does actually sound like that.
harkins said:
I know there aren't many football fans on here but I thought some might appreciate me pointing out that during Kupoartist's Ideon post above, there sounds the line "Spurs on on their way" after 0.57 and 1.04. It just seemed apt after they got to the league cup final last night. And of course "Spurs are on their way to Wembley" is a fairly well known (if not often used!) song in the football world.

Yeah that was some result for Spurs, couldint believe it.
harkins said:
I know there aren't many football fans on here but I thought some might appreciate me pointing out that during Kupoartist's Ideon post above, there sounds the line "Spurs on on their way" after 0.57 and 1.04. It just seemed apt after they got to the league cup final last night. And of course "Spurs are on their way to Wembley" is a fairly well known (if not often used!) song in the football world.
Heh. Of course, it's saying 'Supasu Raunawai Ideon, Ideon' in that peculiar way that Anime shows do to announce themselves, but perhaps if a covert team of Anime assassains were dispatched to White Hart Lane with a re-written version of the theme, Spurs fans could unwittingly end up chanting the tune to a Japanese song that primarily promises that the Galaxy is going to get torn a new one.
Not epic in any sense of the world but Lovely Complex has some really cool OP's. I didn't like the second one the first time I heard it - I love it now! Really hardcore ****. Hey Hey Hey Hey ~ ~ ~ ~

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It took me a bit off time to locate that - I really wish they people didn't upload Fansub[bed] versions of videos onto YouTube. Mega annoys me. Srsly. I would embed the first OP which is really cool as well.. Except like the only version has karaoke on it. =/

Anyway, Lovely Complex is really kickass - As a matter a fact, I need to get update to date with my purchasing of the manga, Only got two volumes so far. The animation doesn't do the artwork of the manga justice methinks. It looks a lot more "shojo" in the manga though, Which I suppose can go either way depending on the person.

Now for another really EPIC one - We Are! Sung by the Straw Hat pirates.. I was unsure what one to link, The original or the one sung by them. I ended up doing the one sung by them though. It has such a good vibe to it with them.

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Even if that was only used for a filler catch up arc thing. It was still great to hear it.

This next one is another One Piece one, It is the latest one.

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Thats a good song that I've heard way to many times and is in my opinion probably the best Opening out off all the One Piece OP's. I never found Brand New World~ To be as enjoyable. Its a way to overhyped song.

"To The West, To The East, Gonna Find My Way, Sail Away! All The Way To ONE PIECE!"

(-I must be annoying you lot with my never ending talk and stuffs about One Piece, I will stop with it eventually-)
I have to ad an ending to this as its one of my faves

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Paul said:
And how could I forget, Eureka Seven OP #3:

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You gotta love all the eureka seven openings... actually... you gotta love this series to be honest... haha :D

Forgot to add my favourite intro!
At the moment it will have to be...
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Bure Bure?