Post awesome openings

Eh? Why aren't you embedding? That GGG one was frickin' awesome BTW, Such a cool animu title as well. But anyway..

This is something I just love and have done ever since I heard it way back last year.
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Now, Its time to get to real business though and how else can you do that without this. ;p
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The Japanese version is amazing as well. (Click Here)

Some are just Classics and you can hear them non stop.. Although its just not the same type off love because they just aren't up to the right standard of being 1337. I'm amazed that I'm saying this about TANK! but sadly.. Its true.

Its either this or Pokémon that draw for my most EPIC openings. <3
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I remember the first time I saw this in 1982, it blew my socks off.

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And the best bit... <object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>
Last Exile; bagpipes = win

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Ergo Proxy, if only the rest of the show was as awesome as the opening:

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Haijime no Ippo OP #2; I love the bit at the start with Ippo ducking and diving between the flames:

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There is tons more that I love, when I find a good opening theme, I replay it over and over.
And how could I forget, Eureka Seven OP #3:

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grats, paul, your the first peson i've met who doesn't hate that intro ^^

personally i prefer intro 4

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and the ending Tip taps tip

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and finally for now

who can forget Wolf's Rain - Stray

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Ryo Chan said:
grats, paul, your the first peson i've met who doesn't hate that intro ^^

personally i prefer intro 4

I prefer the first two to be honest.

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Also, i'm surprised no-one has mentioned these yet...

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Ahhh. Ergo Proxy looks absolutely amazing.. Animation-wise anyway, I'm going to check that out along with Eureka Seven in which also looks fantablous. My god - I've been needing something to watch since Gunbuster and Diebuster won't be watchable for a bit longer. Wow, I can't wait to check out them series' They really look good - Ergo Proxy must have its fans, So I'm going to your comment about the series not be as great as the intro.. In which the series does have competition with such a well animated and nice sounding music that really flow.

I can't believe I actually forgot about Stray, That is one helluva song - Its really strong and you can sense that Kanno has been near it for some reason. That Tim Jensen has a great voice for the song as well.. Not too mention BONES gave the entire series a great vibe to it.

Dennou Coil has a amazing opener:

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It really sets you up for the series with it being somewhat upbeat and yet slow paced and really shows off what is so special about the series, Of course the animation sequence is good as well - Just fitting with the rest of the series. Also, it goes without saying how amazingly good the ending is sequence and song is as well:

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As much as I like Stand ALone Complex the video for the first OP is pretty tacky. Love the music though.

This is the best SAC OP, it's just a shame it wasn't included on the DVD's.
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I love the Niea_7 OP. Mainly due to the tune though.

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But Dai Guard is the GREATEST EVER!!! Ba ba ba ra ra ra ....

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Okay Paul Ryo chan, and Tasker, you have just posted the videos I was about to.
Great stuff.
I LOVE the 3rd Eureka opening, captures pefectly the mood at the time, and Last Exile, love that too.
Love the ergo opening aswell, and the ending by Radiohead is great.
Oh and Harkins, that Niea opening is great, I know what you mean about the tone, the dude has a really unusual voice, not sure if its the same person, but it remids me of the Lain ending theme.
Oh and Harkins, that Niea opening is great, I know what you mean about the tone, the dude has a really unusual voice, not sure if its the same person, but it remids me of the Lain ending theme.
Had to add Genshiken Series 1 on here:
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Plus, who can say no to Dokuro-chan ^__^
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gotta agree with mcicy, i'm enjoying the 2nd intro of 00 myself, can't believe i forgot the first intro of Eureka :(

anyway continuing with my long list is Fullmetal Alchemist - Rewrite

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Code Geass - Colours (yep the eureka 7 theme continues ^^)

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Cardcaptor Sakura - i am a dreamer

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and finally for now Naruto - Fighting Dreamers

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