Podcast: Listener Question Edition!

Professor Irony

Due to our heinous inability to introduce ourselves properly in the inaugural Nakama Britannica podcast, we thought it might help make amends if, for the next episode (shortly to be recorded), we took any questions you, the listeners, may have.

While we can't promise enlightenment for any existential conundrums, feel free to fire away with anything you might have to ask Arbalest, VivisQueen or myself about our respective backgrounds in anime, likes/dislikes, collections, queries about the first episode, etc. and we'll do our best to cover it in the show.

So don't be shy. We don't bite. :D

At least until such time as the t-virus sweeps the nation and turns us all into flesh eating monsters oh god.
What lead to your interest in anime, and which shows shaped your earliest opinions of "what anime can be"?

Are there any particular styles of story, settings, or even entire genres to which you think TV anime in its now "traditional" 22-minutes-a-week format is particularly suited, and/or do you think that this rigidity is holding back the industry in some way?

How do you feel about the current state of English language anime related journalism? Is it likely, or even possible, that it will develop (in structural terms) to the point where ANN has at least one major professional competitor? Should ANN in its current state be developing contractual and financial ties to companies that produce and profit from anime, or does this potentially harm the growth of this side of the industry?

What will be the first manga title to be part of a reading list for a GCSE course in the UK?

How widely do you watch anime or read manga outside of titles that you "know" you will like and enjoy (of course, this is slightly different to "which shows have you watched and not enjoyed?")?

Should we be worried that two of you are Scottish?
Thanks guys. It was kinda short notice as we did the initial recording tonight, but we've done our best to incorporate your questions into the 'cast.

Thanks again for the input. :)
Nooooooooooo. I cant believe I missed this!

I wanted to ask if Prof likes to go for long morning strolls through the highlands while bellowing that hypnotizing voice of his, and if the answer is yes do you wear anything under the kilt you no doubt would be sporting?

Arbalast are you as sexy as Prof is?

Vivi, when it comes to the Podcast do sexual politics come into play? Do you feel you were chosen as the "token female" and thus used as a tool for seduction or do you feel Prof's voice is the real tool of seduction?

And finally.. I think Shin Chan is the greatest Japanese animation has ever produced, am I wrong? Right? Or slightly insane with a penchant for humour involving "mooning".
I can only apologise - it's entirely my fault for not getting the thread up in better time. We'll definitely throw it open for listener questions again sometime soon.

Also you flatter me, sir. Unfortunately, I think I'd have to take a three-hour train-ride to get to the highlands in the first place. :(
I have a few questions to mention on your podcast:

Why is Shonen anime so popular?

What got you into anime?

How anime has effected your life.

Not great questions but still. When will we know when the next podcast is up? Will it be posted on here?
You are in possession of a time machine that's powered by ultrarareium (Of which there's only one and you're only good for one return trip) you can ether;

a) Do something [slap Turner UK's controller upside the head around 2004 such that he gets more anime and saves Toonami UK from it's fate or Slap Jetix UK's controller upside the head to prevent Naruto from being a mess on UK TV] to prevent Anime from disappearing from UK TV

b) Go back to around 1994 and slap News of The World's CEO and prevent the "Ban this sick filth" nonsense from going down as a result of Overfiend.

Doing anything else will lead to your demise via horrible timey-wimey things.

Which one do you do and how does it change the course of anime?

Also, Toei; Asshats that prevent a proper UK release of Dragonball or Assholes who prevent a proper UK release of One Piece?

edit; oh, son of a witch...
Judging by the response rate, I think we should try to incorporate listener questions on regular basis, if it all possible, so please do fire away and we'll see what we can do.

The next episode should be posted to the Nakama Britannica blog when it's ready, but I'm sure there'll be a thread on the forums as well, so we'll keep you posted.

Oh and mine's a BLT if you're asking.
Tachi said:
Why isn't it called "Anime Scotland Podcast"? Being that it practically IS just that.

I have a nagging suspicion you wouldn't ask 'Why isn't it called "Anime England Podcast"?' if the presenters all were English. A disappointingly bigoted post, Tachi.
Anime UK News.

Thats what the website is, if it was a fully british podcast i'd comment likewise. Its hardly the UK if the only bases touched are scotland. There's England, Wales and Northern Ireland who are part of the UK yet no members at all where drafted as presenters from these regions.

You call me a bigot, i call you all fools for failing to understand that you yourselves have left yourself open to posts like that, believe it or not but thats not bigotry on my part. Its called pointing out a lack of equality on yours.

Unless you can back up your claim, never remark that anything i say as "bigoted".
Does it only qualify as a UK podcast if there is a member from every UK country? Does it also have to make sure it accurately represents other strata of society, with all sexualities, ages, social classes and religious backgrounds spoken for?

Or is it just an informal podcast made for the community by three people who are immersed in the UK anime scene and organised enough to put something together?

If more people from Scotland happen to be represented, that's fine - anyone can see from the regulars here that we have a decent number of Scottish people participating in the site. We UK fans share a single anime industry. It seems a bit arbitrary to make a big deal of that, but I would suggest (and not for the first time) that if anyone doesn't like the podcast, they are free to make their own one as well, since there is no limit on how many podcasts people can enjoy. It would be a more productive form of protest than moaning about imaginary cultural biases.

Tachi said:
Its hardly the UK if the only bases touched are scotland. There's England, Wales and Northern Ireland who are part of the UK yet no members at all where drafted as presenters from these regions.

Strictly speaking, the title is the Nakama Britannica Podcast, not "Anime UK News Podcast", but Vivis is English and I don't think anyone from Northern Ireland actually applied. Other than that, I'd largely echo what Lawrence and Rui said.
Lawrence said:
Auditions for a place on the podcast were held fairly, giving an equal opportunity to all, you full well know that since you took part. What was important was who was right for the 'cast and not where they came from.
More over, there are some pretty stunning voices at work in the cast.

It's not like there was an open invite to anyone who wanted to take part in the forum discussion, or anything.

Held fairly? Ha, yeah okay then ;)

Being called the Namaka Britannica Podcast doesn’t change the fact that 2/3 of the podcasters are from 1 part of the UK, being that the podcast is created by AUKN users it would stand to reason that discriminating between one part of the UK and another would only prove to be foolish of the part of those who decided the whole thing.
Spyro (for an example) was more than eager to contribute to the podcast and I find it wrong that 2 people from Scotland and 1 person from England but lives in germany was the outcome and is seen as the equal way of doing things. Members across the UK that took part in the chats prior to the actual podcast début should have been taken into consideration of where they are geographically and 1 person from each region should have been elected for the role. If nobody from Ireland applied then only the parts of the UK that did apply should have been taken into consideration – 1 from England, 1 from wales and 1 from Scotland.

Rui said:
Does it only qualify as a UK podcast if there is a member from every UK country?

Well yes, because if the countries where separate entities and not part of the United Kingdom (the clue is in the title/name) then having 2 people from 1 seperate country and another who was born british but lives in another country now wouldn’t be a problem. The fact it is affiliated with the UK means that by not representing 1 person from each part of a United kingdom will be unequal and as a result can be classified as both discrimination and racist.

Rui said:
Does it also have to make sure it accurately represents other strata of society, with all sexualities, ages, social classes and religious backgrounds spoken for?

Sexuality, age, religion are not the topic; equal geographical representation is.

For the record, as no doubt there will be some that think i am attacking this due to not being a podcaster or whatever else reasoning they can assume, I officially pulled out of the dealings way before the podcast debut. There’s no motive other than equality.