PlayStation Vita developers moving to 3DS?


Monsieur Monster
AUKN Staff

Respected Japanese newspaper Nikkei has posted an opinion piece that states that a third party software developer who had been working on titles for Sony's PlayStation Vita handheld has since cancelled those projects and are instead turning to the Nintendo 3DS. Sony are being quick in denying statements that this is related to multiple companies.

While the Nintendo 3DS' original launch in Late-February (Japan) and Late-March (US/Europe/Oceania) was a serious concern for the company (so much so that they had to launch a global price cut of roughly £100 to encourage sales), the Japanese launch sales for the PlayStation Vita last December were even less in number; with a huge drop in sales after the first week. The PlayStation Vita is due to launch in America and Europe next Wednesday, so analysts are keeping their eyes on whether or not the western sales for the 3DS' rival will be any better.

EDIT: In regards to the original article, the Japanese language has no differentiation between singular and plurals, so translators often get things mixed up. Currently, it is said that one developer has moved from the Vita to the 3DS. However, could this be the start of a slippery slope? Who knows.
I remember seeing that this morning. From what i know, everything that was said was claimed to be false by Sony themselves. But everything is very much vague at the moment anyways. The specific companies which may have decided to do this haven't actually come forward or anything, so it is purely rumour/speculation at the moment. I wouldn't be surprised to see a couple of companies actually moving, but an overall majority? I need more than just a nikkei report to believe that just yet
Vita was dead upon arrival in Japan. Now Nintendo has secured Monster Hunter the handheld has no chance. America and Europe alone can't boost it.
Lupus said:
Vita was dead upon arrival in Japan. Now Nintendo has secured Monster Hunter the handheld has no chance. America and Europe alone can't boost it.
Hell, the Vita's initial sales were less than the 3DS' - and the 3DS had reluctance about the 3D to blame for that...what does the Vita have?
This story just seems to have been blown massively out of proportion. The number of filters it has come through before being reported on English language blogs and news sites is not small. There is an obvious worry about software support in the six months after launch, there always is with any new console, but I wouldn't be jumping to conclusions based on this article.

Lupus said:
Vita was dead upon arrival in Japan.
Much like everyone said the 3DS was at first. I do agree that if MonHun never turns up on it (I do not believe anyone has outright said "MonHun is now permanently exclusive to Nintendo platforms"), it will be a huge and possibly fatal blow. Western territories can obviously sustain a hardware platform "on their own" (even at the rate it is going, it will not be a totally dead platform in Japan, like the Xbox or something), but I'm sure Sony can hardly bring themselves to think about potential low sales figures over here in the first few weeks.

Joshawott said:
and the 3DS had reluctance about the 3D to blame for that
No, the 3DS had no games is what happened.
ilmaestro said:
Joshawott said:
and the 3DS had reluctance about the 3D to blame for that
No, the 3DS had no games is what happened.
Aye, that was indeed one of the larger reasons. What I meant though is, they had the media attention on the 3D to use as a scapegoat for it.

As for Monster Hunter, wasn't Monster Hunter Portable 3rd HD ver. released for the PS3 in Japan last year? The last PSP game was Monster Hunter Portable 3rd which was released in 2010. So it's still likely that Sony consoles will receive a Monster Hunter game - but yeah, as well as MK7 and Mario 3D Land, Monster Hunter was one of the reasons for the huge sales boost in Japan for the 3DS (It even had its own special 3DS).
ilmaestro said:
The price drop, too.
Ocarina of Time 3D in June + Price Drop in August + Great games released in holiday season = sales went BOOM.

In fact, didn't Nintendo announce the price-drop shortly after Sony announced the PS Vita price, with the Wi-Fi version curiously being the same price the 3DS was before the drop?
Kyaku said:
Well to be fair, the 3DS still doesn't have any games.
There are quite a few games out now; Nintendo put out their bigger names for Christmas (Mario and Mario Kart), while some of their other IPs (Fire Emblem, Kid Icarus) are out later this year. There's also quite a lot of third party support coming in. While we're still in early days in terms of titles (I only own 7 games myself), there is a lot to come in 2012.

PS Vita, I think looks pretty good though, I'll be disappointed if it does lose support, since it's really what a handheld should be, something that can play games on a screen, no 3D stuff.
It's not like the 3D is compulsory. I admit, I was very intrigued by the PS Vita...until I found out the price, especially considering how memory cards have to be bought separately (sure, some pre-order bundles include them at a discounted price, but Sony could have at least given people the smallest size for free with the console).

Also, some of the games are cheaper.
PlayStation Vita game prices are weird. Some can be as cheap as £19.99 online, while others are £39.99. For the bigger name games, right now you'll be paying a tiny bit more than the average new release 3DS game (Looking at GAME, the majority of them are in the £30-40 price range). So the game price is relatively the same (3DS prices go from £20-40 as well).
Aye, there's some good games out now. Don't forget Mighty Switch Force and Pullblox.

That upcoming Kid Icarus, though, looks like a cheap Sin and Punishment wannabe.

As for the PSV Eindhoven, a Call of Duty at Christmas time would be a killer app for Western auidences.
Max Takeshi said:
That upcoming Kid Icarus, though, looks like a cheap Sin and Punishment wannabe.
Fair enough. A better example would've been Star Fox Assault? That has both on-rails and ground sections.

It's not out yet, so I guess a direct comparison isn't fair.

I'm just Sin and Punishment biased, so feel free to mock :lol: