PlayStation Experience 2015

Overall Summary:

■ Uncharted 4 cutscene trailer
■ Final Fantasy VII: Remake trailer with gameplay
■ Final Fantasy VII out on PSN now.
■ Black Ops III DLC trailer
■ Call of Duty gets eLeague and PlayStation as sponsors.
■ Trailer for Star Wars:Battlefront DLC
■ Battleborn gets campaign, co-op, split-screen and PS-exclusive character for open beta participants.
■ Final Street Fighter V character Fang is revealed. Game launches on February 16 2016. All Year 1 DLC characters revealed. Season Pass up on PSN now.
■ First look at Escape Run mode for Dead Star.
■ Adult Swim Games shows off some of their games in video reel: Death's Gambit, Ray's the Dead, Duck Game, Rain World, Small Radios Big Televisions, Head Lander (from Double Fine)
■ New trailer for Day of the Tentacles: Remastered. Coming out March 2016.
■ Double Fine announces remaster of Full Throttle.
■ Psychonauts 2 gets standalone game for PlayStation VR.
■ Games showcase: Invisible Inc., Don't Starve Together, Zodiac: Orcanon Odyssey, Hitman Go, Brawlhalla (exclusive content for PlayStation)
■ #Buildingthelist: Yakuza 5 releases December 8.
■ Yakuza Zero coming to the West on PlayStation 4.
■ SNK brings The Last Blade 2 to Vita and PS4.
■ New look at The King of Fighters XIV.
■ Ni-Oh coming exclusively to PS4. New trailer.
■ SuperMassive Games' Bastion is out on Vita and PS4 today.
■ The Bit Trip is a collection of their games and coming out on PlayStation.
■ Nuclear Throne coming out on Vita and PS4 today.
■ People who met up at the PSX gets Bit Trip and Nuclear Throne for free.
■ Stormcloud Games bring Brutal to PlayStation in 2016.
■ MLB The Show 16 trailer. Available March 16.
■ Guns Up! is a new fast-paced strategy game. F2P and is available today. PS Plus members gets a free DLC bundle.
■ Fat Princess Adventures is available today. Plus members get discount.
■ New gameplay demonstration of Ratchet & Clank. New cutscene of Clank and Ratchet's first meeting. Game releases April 12. Movie premieres April 28 in North America.
■ Rez Infinite coming to PlayStation VR. Can be played without VR as well.
■ Ubisoft brings Eagle Flight to PSVR.
■ Sony Santa Monica brings you Modern Zombie to PSVR.
■ Alchemy Labs bringes Job Simulator to PSVR.
■ Brand new studio, Highwire Games, announces Golem for PSVR.
■ 100 Ft Robot Golf for PSVR: Solo, split-screen and online golf/combat game.
■ Ace Combat 7 announced exclusively to PS4. Supports PSVR.
■ Brand new racing event, Sparrow Racing League, for Destiny: The Taken King. Starting December 8 for 3 weeks onward. Compete on Mars and Venus.
■ From the makers of Torchlight, Relic, comes Hob.
■ Level-5 announces Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom exclusively for PS4.
■ Epic Games' MOBA game, Paragon, comes to PlayStation 4.

From top left to bottom right:
Uncharted 4: A Thief's End
Final Fantasy VII Remake
Star Wars Battlefront EA
Call of Duty World League (eSports)
Street Fighter V
Invisible, Inc.: Console Edition
Don't Starve Together: Console Edition
Dead Star
From top left to bottom right:
Zodiac: Orcanon Odyssey
Adult Swim Games
Yakuza 0
Day of the Tentacle Remastered
The King of Fighters XIV
Psychonauts in the Rhombus of Ruin
Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom
From top left to bottom right:
Guns Up!
Fat Princess Adventures
Eagle Flight
The Modern Zombie Taxi Co.
100ft Robot Golf
Job Simulator
From top left to bottom right:
Destiny: The Taken King: Sparrow Racing
MLB The Show 16
Last edited by a moderator:


This year's Final Fantasy VII PC port announcement. :lol: :lol: :x :cry:
I had to go to work during the stream so I missed the last 20 minutes or so. Typical, they announce Ni No Kuni 2, about the only announcement that excites me, and I wasn't even there to see it.
Have they announced any kind of Ni No Kuni HD (or whatever) for PS4 yet? I'd imagine there's a possibility of that happening with a sequel on the way (especially with so many others doing similar things).

It was another one that I thought might be interesting but missed out on due to not having a PS3.
Smeelia said:
Have they announced any kind of Ni No Kuni HD (or whatever) for PS4 yet? I'd imagine there's a possibility of that happening with a sequel on the way (especially with so many others doing similar things).

It was another one that I thought might be interesting but missed out on due to not having a PS3.

Nothing yet on the first game being remastered but I guess it could happen eventually.

I noticed that the arrival of something Level 5 related was pretty much foreshadowed thanks to two of their PS2 games being released on PS4 (Dark Cloud & Rogue Galaxy).