Pizza hut again!


Brigade Leader
Has anyone seen 'Darker than black' episode 7? Just at the beginning there is a pizza hut store in view and the camera is zooming in towards it! Just reminded me of 'Code geass' allot. Is this all a coincidence or are companies buying anime space? I hope not, i hate it when you play a game and its just covered in advertisement.
Yeah i noticed it as well, but my question is "is it any more irritating than the 'sponsored by' bits at the beginning of the show? or the adds half way through (when it's on TV) or when you are walking down the street?'.
It is all really depended on how its put in and how you think of it. It's not likely to make me want to go out and buy more pizza, and if it doesn't affect my enjoyment of the show I don't really care.
Ill probably be watching this episode tonight, but usually I notice these but dont really care about them, normally its a miss-spelt brand name to get out of legal issues like, Cowboy Bebop has WcDonalds (my personal favourite) and Suny - Sony.
on the subject of pizza hut, I was watching Demolition Man the other day on the telly with my btother and at the bit when they go to the restautant to eat, its a Pizza Hut, when this happend me and me brother looked at each other and went hang on rewind that (Gota love +) and said pizza hut, its Taco Bell aint it, when we rewinded it we noticed some very clever dubbing and editing of the advertising in the back ground.

was it just us or do they or dont they go to Taco Bell in Demolition Man because it was the only franchise to servive the franchise war (Changed to the fast food war in TV edit).

Is Pizza Hut buying advertising space on old films buy re-editing them ? 8)