Pirates Of The Carribean 4, Zac Efron to be starring

Zac Efron is really, really good looking. There is no denying this :p

But I concede that Bear Grylls is, indeed, a perfect example of manly beauty. Usually, having blood sprayed across your face would disfigure any good looks you had ... but not with Grylls :0 As for my idea of the most beautiful man in the world ... I'm pretty sure it's Anderson Cooper:


He's dreamy :]

Anyways, I love how this thread is probably the gayest one ever. It started off being about PotC (incredibly camp) and Zac Efron (who's obviously a closet case) and now we're talking about male beauty. Hah!
that's how I was raised in the old days... There is no such thing as male beauty ;)

I've only noticed the pics from you and CG , missed willo's, mumi's and memo's posts there :p
starting to feel weird about the amount of people saying Zac in this thread....

anyway, i hate [Mod edit: please don't use this kind of word in a derogatory manner] (as many of my friends have dubbed him) however i'm willing to give him a chance, potc in my opinion should have ended at 3 and its a brilliant series of films
I have nothing against Zak (on a first name basis), I can't look at him without seeing him as the Highschool Musical guy (And I've never even seen it!!). He's going to pull out some seriouse **** before I'd personaly respect him as an actor.