Pirates Of The Carribean 4, Zac Efron to be starring


Looks like the title for the 4th installment in the pirates of The Carribean set was given:

ANAHEIM, California — Nobody puts on a show like Walt Disney, a point proven once again Friday morning (September 11) in a massive event featuring appearances by Johnny Depp, Nicolas Cage, Miley Cyrus and big news on the future of the "Pirates of the Caribbean," "National Treasure" and other franchises.

Walt Disney Studios Chairman Dick Cook took the stage after a live orchestra presented a tribute to Disney films new and old, addressing a crowd of 5,000 people at the Anaheim Convention Center as part of the studio's massive D23 fan convention.

Among the big news announced by Cook as he looked into the crystal ball at Disney's next several years on film: "Pirates of the Caribbean 4" finally has a title ("On Stranger Tides") and a release date (summer 2011). Depp thrilled the crowd by "sailing" onstage as Captain Jack Sparrow, staying in character the whole time while asking Cook where he could get some rum.

Also returning to the big screen are a few other Disney films such as National Treasure, Wild Hogs 2 ect

Sawse: http://www.mtv.com/movies/news/articles ... tory.jhtml


And now the downside:

Efron, who turned 21 last week, has reportedly agreed to a £6 million deal to appear alongside Johnny Depp in the fourth instalment of the popular Disney franchise.

The deal also ties him to a fourth High School Musical Movie, something he had said he would previously not do.Efron has found international fame in the role of Troy, the school basketball star, but had said it was "time to grow up".

Thousands of screaming fans turned out to greet Efron when he arrived at the London premiere of High School Musical 3 along with co-star and girlfriend Vanessa Hudgens.

Sawse: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstop ... ean-4.html
God i didn't think i could hate PotC or the efron anymore than i already did... but here we are.

I hate PotC because they are just plain bad movies...

And i hate the efron because he's such a little poofter but he keeps up this charade that he's not.

I originally hated the idea and look of, but ended up loving the first Pirates of the Carribean movie but its gotten progressively worse. I however do now like Zac Efron, kinda. He was good in 17 Again and I really thought it was going to escape the hell that is High School Musical, but Disney frakking pulled him back in with a double-movie deal. I mean, a Pirates movie isn't something you can't just walk away from - It'll give him time to expand as an actor (since, you know, that Pirates crew is talented in every way except writing).

Also, Russel Brand is in this, isn't he? That'll be hilarious.

EDIT, how true is this? I haven't seen it on AICN or anywhere else. And that post is from the 11th. I remember seeing the title announced then, but none of this Zac stuff.
Hahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhaha. Oh man, I mean I knew this movie would be bad but - WOW. They're really going for that teenage girl crowd eh? Well I guess they're the only crowd that can still actually get any enjoyment out of these films.

'Who cares if it's bad? Johnny Depp is in it!'

The first movie was so great but that was a long long time ago.
I like the PotC films, but I don't really care about them all that much. Zac Efron is incredibly beautiful. Putting those two together doesn't seem like all that bad of an idea to me :p

Oh yeah, and this means Zac Efron might be in the third or fourth Kingdom Hearts games. Woo!
Only ever seen the first PotC, it was alright. Zac is soon going to be in EVERYTHING. Doesn't really bother me.

CitizenGeek said:
Oh yeah, and this means Zac Efron might be in the third or fourth Kingdom Hearts games. Woo!
More like a High School Musical World filled with stupid dancing mini-games.
Hmm, i thought something like this could happen, and there we go, but i'm not to bothered i will say. Yes there is a ton of hate for Efron, but has he been given a fair chance to actually appear in normal film roles? Not really, so i think its a good chance to see how he does.
well that being said i wouldnt describe him as "the perfect example of manly beauty."

The title is reserved for bear grylls



(blood is hot)


This should be split! im liking this topic of perfect example of manly beauty! ^_^