Pirate Metal

There have been a few (by a few, I mean a lot) changes to the forum since Chaos took command X].

As for the music, funnily enough, "Leviathan" by Alestorm just shuffled it's way into play on my iTunes! Alestrom are good, much better than they look anyway.

Also, not sure if you've herd of it, but I've recently discovered another Pirate Metal band: "Swashbuckle". Although it's apparently pure thrash and doesn't have any Pirate elements mixed in, besides the name of the songs.
Mutsumi said:
You may not have heard of it before now, but there is pirate themed heavy metal music! Proper stuff! :D I feel I should share it with everyone. ^_^

Alestorm - Wolves of the Sea
Alestorm - Over the Seas

Lyrics could occasionally be considered cheesey, but it is still good fun music.

Edit: Zomg how long has there been a music forum here? Sure that wasn't here last time I looked. :O

Yes. Yes I have.

I mentioned them in the other thread :D
LMAO! The music is awesome, but I cant take it more than a parody when I listen to the singing. XD

A rare treat for me, thanks for that, Musumi/Spyro.
Wolves of the Sea is a cover of a 2008 Eurovision song. XD

While, both versions are good, I love the cheesiness of the Eurovision one, to be honest.

I like me some cheesy music.

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