Picture by Adztheguitarguy

Awww thas adorable Ad :)
I told you you were good! I think you did the eyes really well. Ive tried to draw that type of pose before and I always have some difficulty with it but you did it so well.
Hope you can draw some more
Here yet another pic from me, you guys are probably getting bored of these lol anyways this picture I drew on paint on the computer, it took me roughly about 4 days to finish but the end product was okay, its abit fan servicy, sorry lol but see what you guys think
Awww, love your first picture, shes super cute, and your last picture is great too, an amazing piece of MS paint work, i can see how it took you 4 days :)
Your art is really good and i think this has got me thinking about drawing again since its been a while lol, i always kinda drift away from drawing now :?
Another picture

Hey people, yet another picture from me, i drew it just now whilst talking to Necromancer on MSN, this picture is kinda like my other neko picture but this one has minor changes and this one is actually made up lol :D anyways tell me what you think people
Hey people, im glad you guys like my drawings :D does anyone out there have any suggestions of a new drawing i could do? say i dont know someones favourite character from their favourite anime/manga? cause im up for a challenge, im back into drawing since KittySeras got me back into it again, so any suggestions would be great
It's good to know I infulenced someone in a goodway, if you hadn't then it woulld be a waste of talent. You are a very talented drawer methinks, and as I said before the tail is fine! It looks quirky! Lol!
I think you draw really well with a pen as well, I have bad control with a pen. I think it's a super awesome picture.