Pics, everyone

Ok so these are some pics of me!

That was me an my mate on Children in need, dressed as Maverick and Goose From Top Gun, Im on the right! lol

Everyone who sees this pic thinks im Wesker from RE!
Ain't it a pain in the butt where you take a picture of yourself and the camera always spoils the picture? :lol: I have that problem a lot...

Nice costume :)
Chaz said:
Ain't it a pain in the butt where you take a picture of yourself and the camera always spoils the picture? :lol: I have that problem a lot...

Nice costume :)

thankies (i love camden^^)

yeh it does suck when the camera is in the shot, but i kinda have an excuse for it, because jo-beth does actually have a camera ^^;; albiet not a digital one...but a camera none the less....
Heres the newish! me i have redyed my hair but wil probs be darker by the expo tho u wont see it unless before i put my cossy on lol! coz me wearing a wig! xD

We had a prom, which was brilliant. All of the pictures are on my dad's computer at the moment but I'll transfer them later. By the way, I hate dresses. >8(


Room was being decorated at the time. 8D 'Scuse the stepladder.

I'm glad there were no pictures of the after-party.