Pics, everyone

a new pic! :D

sorry,its a bit scary >_<


Your her is just to cool 8) :lol:
Doberman Pharaoh said:
Just realised you have an L avatar as well, what a coincidence.

Well actually i didn't before,but i felt the need to now have one :p

oh and i must mention ive never actually seen/read Death Note but you have now got me intrigued.I even had to google L to see who he was :? I feel so ashamed hah
Well actually i didn't before,but i felt the need to now have one :p

oh and i must mention ive never actually seen/read Death Note but you have now got me intrigued.I even had to google L to see who he was :? I feel so ashamed hah

Shows how much attention I pay to things like that.

And not to get off topic, but Death Note is awesome and you should get the manga, or follow the anime, or both.
Charter_Mage said:
a new pic! :D

sorry,its a bit scary >_<

You have a great look :). You really do look just like your L avi :p

thank you <3

haha its funny,since its been said on here i seem to be getting more and more L remarks else where too.

hmmmm a future cosplay possibility maybe? :p
Nyu said:
McIcy said:
pomtry said:
McIcy said:
Me as Bass from DOA - my first attempt at cosplaying


About time you posted a picture McIcy ive been waiting to see this lmao

Only remembered to take a pic on sunday as I was about to post the waistcoat to its new owner

You still look like Toad from Neighbours :lol:

Cheers for that, I'd take offense but I got a load of free drinks on holiday once cause they thought I was the guy from neighbours