Petition to stop the Banning of Video Games


For those of you annoyed with the BBFC choosing banning rather than rating certain games (Manhunt 2 the most recent) a government petition has been started asking the Prime Minister to Restrict the powers of the BBFC with regard to the banning of videogames.


Don't Ban Our games
If DVD/Film releases was added to this i would be highly greatful. The BBFC totally ****** up the Ren & Stimpy release, saying it wouldn't even be appropiate for a 18 year old. Yet America get it, with commentaries and everything, Gawd.
I sıgned ıt. I understand why we have age ratıngs for multımedıa but I do not understand why we can gıve a board of clueless old men who probably have never touched a vıdeo game ın theır lıfe to decıde wether or not a game can be completely banned or not.
Won't work but keep going with it if you wanna.

What I don't get is that the BBFC say they cut Paranoia Agent but i've seen MVM's release of it and as far as I can tell the 'hanging scene' wasn't cut at all. So after all that fuss about it MVM ignored them anyway?
I don't really care if Manhunt is banned and can't see myself wanting a game that could get banned in the future. I think the BBFC are doing the industry a favour by banning it. So I won't bother signing.
I won't sign it, mainly because i don't like the manhunt series so don't really mind it being banned, also i think banning certain games is the right idea if the content is OTT in some way.
I've never been ınto the Manhunt games myself, and I dıdn't sıgn the petıtıon for Manhunt but rather to make sure thıs ıs less lıkely to happen ın the future. Yes ıt's not very lıkely to make a dıfference, but I just want to state the obvıous for a second and say ıf everyone thınks lıke thıs then obvıously nothıng's goıng to change. If you feel Manhunt was banned for a good reason then faır enough don't sıgn, but ıf your only excuse for not sıgnıng ıs "ıt won't make any dıfference" then personally I thınk that's the wrong kınd of attıtude.
I signed it for our right to choose the games we get to play and not have others restrict our choices.

Whether I like the game or not doesn't matter who cares if you don't like Manhunt sign it to show you still want the option to play it. Or else its like people saying they should ban anime as its all tentacle porn
I doubt it will make a difference, but I will sign. I hate it when anything gets banned, even if I like it or not, as it is someone making decisions for you. These days they are trying to make responsibility law.
McIcy said:
Whether I like the game or not doesn't matter who cares if you don't like Manhunt sign it to show you still want the option to play it. Or else its like people saying they should ban anime as its all tentacle porn

No-one's saying we should ban all video games because they're all like Manhunt..

(No-one with a brain anyway.)

I'll say it again, with all the controversy the game would have had, the BBFC are probably doing the industry a favour.
im not a fan of the game but i signed it

i cant believe in this day and age there banning ANYTHING.

every1 has a right to choose