Persona 3 FES

CitizenGeek said:
RetroRainbow said:
In VIII, I always found it majorly amusing that to pass the SEED exam, you needed to do a written test, and then go to a cavern to fight a summoned demon. "Oh god, that written exam was terrible, now let's go fight that demon!"

Yeah, it is a twisted school that Balamb Garden. I always liked the whole feel to that place, though. And the music there was class :]

Persona 3 definitely has this overwhelmingly positive fan response so I can't imagine myself not picking it up eventually. Anyone got a comment on what the English dub is like in the game?

The english dub isn't too shabby, some big names doing one or two of the characters(Vic for example does junpei i believe), the only one that really comes to fault i'd say is Fuuka, bar that its ok. I can't say for The Answer(which is FES's story bit) i still need to get round to starting it, but i expect the VA's to be the same so it should be ok as well.
CitizenGeek said:
I'm really looking forward to this, actually. Kind of makes me glad I didn't buy Persona 3 when it first came out :]

Chrono Mizaki said:
Persona 3 is my most favourite RPG ever and still gives me hope that not all RPG made these days are utter trash. It's a fresh of breath air, original, great characters (baring Fuuka's horrible voice), an excellent world where Kids are kids, they go to school (whilst games like FF seem to not know that Schools exist, So I wonder what kids do?)


Ah... *facepalm*. My grammer skills are deterioating.

Persona 3 definitely has this overwhelmingly positive fan response so I can't imagine myself not picking it up eventually. Anyone got a comment on what the English dub is like in the game?

Apart from Fuuka's voice, it's all very good. If I had to choose between the Jap and Eng, I would choose the Eng version, even if Fuuka's voice is a bit '****'. Ah well, I've heard worse voices.