Persona 3 FES

Already have it myself(imported from america) tis a great game, need to get round to finishing off the first part of the game(what Persona is, plus extras) before going onto The Answer. Also The dates with Elizabeth are quite humorous as well, she certainly has no idea about the real world.
Also, america get Persona 4 near the end of the year, looking forward to it.
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I've heard and I'm totally happy ^^

Persona 3 is my most favourite RPG ever and still gives me hope that not all RPG made these days are utter trash. It's a fresh of breath air, original, great characters (baring Fuuka's horrible voice), an excellent world where Kids are kids, they go to school (whilst games like FF seem to not know that Schools exist, So I wonder what kids do?)

I really want FES because I want to find out what happens after the ending of Persona 3.
Lupus Inu said:
Spyro201 said:
Lupus Inu said:
I might buy it, but I have a few JRPGs left to finish myself.

Thought you hated JRPGs??
Naw, I just said JRPGs were ******, a lot of them are though, really.

Even though I'm a massive JRPG fan, I have to agree. Well... you can say that about the present JRPG games they churn out now days.

Out of so many J-RPGs churned out these days, one or two are okay and one is considered to be excellent imo. It can be said the same for FPS, Shooters etc...
RetroRainbow said:
Oh, wow, serious?!
That's great news. If only I heard about it, say, two weeks ago. I looked up the cut scenes for it on Youtube, figuring we'd never get it. Oh god, what a shame.

Chrono Mizaki said:
they go to school (whilst games like FF seem to not know that Schools exist, So I wonder what kids do?)

There are schools in Final Fantasy games.

PS2 refuses to die lol which other console has been 8 years old and still have a couple of decent titles coming out for it such as this and the next tombraider game (ill not say sonic unleashed is good just yet......but it has gone back to side scrolling thank god)
Have you got to play the original P3 or does this version include the origina with extras? Because i saw this on the 1up show and got slightly confused...
Persona 3: FES which is out in october is the orignal plus expansion. :)
It includes some extra's and improvements in the original, so it is probably worth holding out until october to get the most "complete" experience
i can give some examples. FES has both The Awakening(thats Persona 3, the original game) and The Answer(the new chapter included in FES). The Answer has a different main character to that of the main storyline and clear things up from after The Awakening. The Awakening has new features included like you can now get a social link with Aegis, as take Elizabeth out to the real world. New persona's obviously and new assignments are available for you from elizabeth. Also, certain unique costumes will now give the character a new look, like the high-cut armor for women, and you can now fuse persona into weapons.
FES has a whole 30 hours extra gameplay as well as new costumes and stuff i have the original but its still worth picking this version up for the mass amount of extras...........Probebly trade the old one in
I'm really looking forward to this, actually. Kind of makes me glad I didn't buy Persona 3 when it first came out :]

Chrono Mizaki said:
Persona 3 is my most favourite RPG ever and still gives me hope that not all RPG made these days are utter trash. It's a fresh of breath air, original, great characters (baring Fuuka's horrible voice), an excellent world where Kids are kids, they go to school (whilst games like FF seem to not know that Schools exist, So I wonder what kids do?)

The only Final Fantasy game with kids in a school is VIII and it's not exactly a school considering they ******* make you fight and go on dangerous missions, god damn the parents must be stupid.

With that, I want Persona 3 myself, but I've got one too many RPGs to finish, but at least I've got some time inbetween now and then to complete them.
RetroRainbow said:
In VIII, I always found it majorly amusing that to pass the SEED exam, you needed to do a written test, and then go to a cavern to fight a summoned demon. "Oh god, that written exam was terrible, now let's go fight that demon!"

Yeah, it is a twisted school that Balamb Garden. I always liked the whole feel to that place, though. And the music there was class :]

Persona 3 definitely has this overwhelmingly positive fan response so I can't imagine myself not picking it up eventually. Anyone got a comment on what the English dub is like in the game?