Paranormal Activity


Stand User
Any1 seen this?

I watched it the other night a 3am, in the dark, on my own.

HOLY **** BALLS! scared the crap outa me! and i NEVER EVER get scared at movies...

Very good movie.
It's out at the end of this month in Ireland the UK as far as I know. I'm really have trouble believing it's as scary as everyone says. I haven't been properly, consistently scared by a single film since I was like 13 or 14 ....
It's funny reading over that last comment I posted in here because I've since seen the film and been properly terrified by it. I couldn't even sleep Thursday (the day I saw it) night because I was so on edge and so scared of what would happen when I fell asleep :x Very, very scary. Well worth seeing, IMO!
evangelion rocks said:
anybody know when this is out as I'd quite like to see it.Apparently its so scary Speilberg couldn't finish watching it!

That would be the uncut original, which I believe he said was 'cursed'. I hope the general release wasn't too heavily cut, I like the idea of unleashing something onto the public as bad as that.
Kyoraki said:
That would be the uncut original, which I believe he said was 'HYPED'. I hope the general release wasn't too heavily cut, I like the idea of unleashing something onto the public as bad as that.

Fixed :)

Yeah this is a great movie, watched it afew times since. Still love it. The only cut from the original release is the ending.

Personally i think the original ending is hands down superior to the new speilberg ending.