Panty and Stocking Blu-ray confirmed for June 2013

Just saw this. Don't really get why they'd bother when they've only just fixed the DVD release. Is it really so popular a show it warrants releasing again already?
Never got round to buying the fixed DVD release, so I'll pick this up. Have heard that the BDs for this series were no great shakes in terms of a quality boost though.
VoxPhantom said:
Never got round to buying the fixed DVD release, so I'll pick this up. Have heard that the BDs for this series were no great shakes in terms of a quality boost though.
PSG was animated in SD, so what you're really getting is a higher bitrate for Video/Audio, better colours and no interlacing.
The jump to BD is not going to be massive, but it is noticeably better.

I have an order for Funi's PSG BD, but if Manga's release will have an artbox (Like the US one) I would gladly cancel my order.
Unfortunately I doubt that would happen. Gotta keep the costs down.

#PantyAndStocking UPDATE 1 of 2: I've been told US extras will be included and the packaging will have some type of slip cover/O-card... ^JG
#PantyAndStocking UPDATE 2 of 2: I can confirm the SRP is £39.99. This includes 2 x BD50 discs and the 3 x DVD disc edition. ^JG

Eh... I have no need for DVDs anyway.
I was a little excited about this, having only watched a couple of episodes of Panty and Stocking on Crunchyroll as they aired, until I saw some screenshots of the Funi release on the review. Even for an upscale it don't look good at all. The image is soft and the colours are nowhere near as vibrant as I'd expected.

I might as well pick up the DVD for half the price instead.