Otakon News Summary


Stand User
This weekend the US anime convention Otakon took place, and while there wasn't as much big news (several key anime companies cancelled their panels), a few announcements were made. AnimeNation recently gave reports on the news from Otakon. Updates will be made as more information comes to light.<ul class="menu2">ADV Films News
<li> ADV Films announced that their dubbing of kids TV series Ghost Stories will completely re-write the dialogue. The dialogue is meant to be "Americanised" and almost entirely improvised, as well as being "raunchier and hipper than the original."

Right Stuf News
<li> Right Stuf announced its acquisition of translation rights to both the 1963 edition of classic anime series Astro Boy as well as the 1965 title Kimba The White Lion. Both titles are due to be released uncut and with a Japanese language track.
<li> Right Stuf also stated that any fans of the series 2x2=Shinobuden who knew about the obscure Japanese pop culture references and jokes contained in it are welcome to send them explanations.

Central Park Media News
<li>CPM announced its acquisition of three titles. OVA series Munto 2, comedy OVA series Animation Runner Kuromi 2 and a re-release of the science-fiction Outlanders OVA.
IanC said:
Get the first two things wrong why dont you.

First off Ghost Stories was improvised, not re-written. Its a completely different thing (tho im not happy with either, cept in extreme circumstances)

For the TRSI thing (about Kimba and Astro Boy) see here:
http://forums.animeondvd.com/showflat.p ... o=&fpart=1

First off, I mentioned "improvised" in my post did I not? See here...

Mangaminx said:
The dialogue is meant to be "Americanised" and almost entirely improvised

Looks like the word improvised to me....

ADV opted to use improvisation therefore re-writing the script as they went.

Secondly that post on Animeondvd just goes into more detail than what I said. Theres nothing wrong about it. My news is pretty similar to my source the AnimeNation one.
i hope right stuf comes over here and brings some of their dubbed anime (like a certain anime called comic party) lol

i dont like how the americanised is used
Improvised dub! which roughly translates to 'made up as they went along' I'll bet ;). I physically cringed at the use of the words 'raunchier' and 'hipper'........*imagines a bunch of ageing Execs trying to get 'down' with the kids and jiving to 'hippity hop' in the boardroom*

I can understand that the US and UK markets necessitate the creations of dubs to make anime more saleable and attractive to casual buyers, not to mention that they have their fair share of fans. But completely re-writing dialogue! a serious film company wouldn't treat a foreign feature as shoddily as that so why a serious anime publisher like ADV?

Part of the reason I - and I imagine quite a lot of other people - fell in love with anime in the first place was because it was something completely alien, fresh and original.........I try to be diplomatic about dubs and such but when something like this comes along it reminds me why I had such a hard time accepting them in the first place.

No offence dub fans, and I understand I'm in minority here so please don't lynch me. ;)
I think this ADV Ghost Stories controversy is a worrying trend. Lets say this is really successful and ADV start handing more projects to their hack-job team of "cool", where would that leave us? With a company like 4Kids that caters to teenagers rather than kids? This ADV produced "Ghost Stories" certainly isn't anime (especially if you consider anime more than just an animation style), it's raw animation.
It's an interesting way to give an unknown product attention, certainly. It may not be entirely a bad thing - as long as they behave themselves and only do it for the really obscure ones nobody's going to miss, and leave the sub track completely intact, I don't really have a problem with it. ANN has a piece on the treatment giving it the thumbs-up, so it may not be as bad as we all fear.
Sir Haggis said:
It's an interesting way to give an unknown product attention, certainly. It may not be entirely a bad thing - as long as they behave themselves and only do it for the really obscure ones nobody's going to miss, and leave the sub track completely intact, I don't really have a problem with it. ANN has a piece on the treatment giving it the thumbs-up, so it may not be as bad as we all fear.

Agree with Sir.Haggis here. I really don't mind them doing it for a niche title and providing an intact sub track. Could make a dull title slightly more entertaining.