Oreimo season two has been licensed by Aniplex USA


Monsieur Monster
AUKN Staff
AniplexUSA have announced the streaming rights for Oreimo 2, which begins on 6th April. It will be available on Crunchyroll. No region locks currently known, but as Vividred Operation and Oreshura are available in the UK, I imagine this will too.

Re: The News Thread (for news that does not need a thread)

ayase said:
Mohawk52 said:
ayase said:
I'm 27 and perfectly serious Mohawk. I developed needless guilt and shame as a result of having dubious morality fed to me by the older generations. Now freed of it, I wouldn't wish to subject anyone else to such stifling limitations. Should I ever have any children, I will make every effort to make sure they go through life guilt and shame free.
Oh great! you mean like the children that were burning and looting much of the country back in 2011? Do us a favour. :roll:
No matter what proponents of the Abrahamic religions would have people believe, it is possible to teach respect for other people without resorting to shame, guilt or fear.
I'm sure most religions (and even some of the non deity run theologies) have something to say about not being stupid 'bout these sorts of things and, well...

Point is; Now and There, not a shounen show. It is not intended for those of the ages of 7 - 15 and to assume otherwise due to the themes explored is frankly irresponsible and, frankly speaking, damaging to anime as a medium.

Or to put it more frankly; you show a kid that and I'ma gonna have to slap a witch.

Joshawott said:
AniplexUSA have announced the streaming rights for Oreimo 2, which begins on 6th April. It will be available on Crunchyroll. No region locks currently known, but as Vividred Operation and Oreshura are available in the UK, I imagine this will too.

oh. goody. more "I can not belvie my sister is so cute". how will i ever contain my excitement. maybe i can buy me a dvd blurayset from aniplex for over £300uk. that might contain my excitement. is all this excitement too much to take.
Re: The News Thread (for news that does not need a thread)

ConanThe3rd said:
oh. goody. more "I can not belvie my sister is so cute". how will i ever contain my excitement. maybe i can buy me a dvd blurayset from aniplex for over £300uk. that might contain my excitement. is all this excitement too much to take../quote]

Tone down the jerk please, some people are interested in a 2nd season even if it's not your type of show. Feel free to attack the pricing, though it's technically £200 odd and BluRay only.
Re: The News Thread (for news that does not need a thread)

I must also point out that OreImo did get a DVD set and it was extremely reasonably priced for what it contained. If people didn't buy it when it was readily available for the same price as a normal Sentai release, that was their decision.

Re: The News Thread (for news that does not need a thread)

Rosencrantz said:
ConanThe3rd said:
oh. goody. more "I can not belvie my sister is so cute". how will i ever contain my excitement. maybe i can buy me a dvd blurayset from aniplex for over £300uk. that might contain my excitement. is all this excitement too much to take../quote]]/quote]

Tone down the jerk please, some people are interested in a 2nd season even if it's not your type of show. Feel free to attack the pricing, though it's technically £200 odd and BluRay only../quote]e/quote]
It's not like Conan criticised you personally or even fans of Oreimo in general, Rosencrantz (though he might, now). Conan might be a jerk (and with the giddiness I feel at the prospect of having offended him over the idea of showing kids NaTHaT I might be an even bigger one) but criticising an anime is something which is done every single day on here.

Edit: Quote weirdness strikes again.
Re: The News Thread (for news that does not need a thread)

I purchased AniplexUSA's cheaper $45 Oreimo DVD set (and it came through with no customs!). It looks absolutely beautiful upscaled (better than a lot of native blu-ray releases), so I don't see the need for me to upgrade, especially as I do agree that AniplexUSA can shove their blu-ray pricing up their asses though - a 6x price increase just for blu-ray is absurd. If it was under $80 I might have considered it. I however, am looking forward to season 2 - I just hope I don't have to wait ages for a matching budget release.

I still remember the hilarity that ensued when the PSP game was in the Top 10 charts and some gaming websites directly translated the title xD

In other news, FUNimation is suing Animeland staff over counterfeit merchandise. I sure wish a company here would do something like that.
Re: The News Thread (for news that does not need a thread)

ayase said:
Rosencrantz said:
ConanThe3rd said:
oh. goody. more "I can not belvie my sister is so cute". how will i ever contain my excitement. maybe i can buy me a dvd blurayset from aniplex for over £300uk. that might contain my excitement. is all this excitement too much to take../quote]]/quote]

Tone down the jerk please, some people are interested in a 2nd season even if it's not your type of show. Feel free to attack the pricing, though it's technically £200 odd and BluRay only../quote]e/quote]e/quote]e/quote]
It's not like Conan criticised you personally or even fans of Oreimo in general, Rosencrantz (though he might, now). Conan might be a jerk (and with the giddiness I feel at the prospect of having offended him over the idea of showing kids NaTHaT I might be an even bigger one) but criticising an anime is something which is done every single day on here.

Edit: Quote weirdness strikes again.

It's more a combination of Josh makes a post to let people know whats happening and then someone comes in and says I don't like this show, why do that? Maybe there's not a post elsewhere where he can say he dislikes the show, but was it really necessary? Combo that with the only support he gave his statement was incorrect info about the price of nature of the recent set and it's just a question of why post?

There's a fair point to be made about the price of the Bluray set and the timing if he wanted to pursue that


Good news for all on Funi suing for counterfeits, I doubt any UK company has the cash to put up on something that'd probably end up causing the offending company to close up shop. There's no guarantee of getting any money, even be it your costs back let alone damage when going to Court.
Re: The News Thread (for news that does not need a thread)

Rosencrantz said:
Tone down the jerk please, some people are interested in a 2nd season even if it's not your type of show. Feel free to attack the pricing, though it's technically £200 odd and BluRay onlyy/quote]
I'll tone down the Jerk when they make a good show and a good price point (And no, a budget release shouldn't be a £80 on a lesser format so that doesn't count)

And why do I do it? Well it's an internet form, not a paid advertisement. If I was being paid off to do so, I'd sing it's praises as hard as it is to find praises in a show that, and let's face it here, is about a minor collecting and consuming porn and being a completely unlikeable douche canoe to everyone around her.
Re: The News Thread (for news that does not need a thread)

ConanThe3rd said:
Rosencrantz said:
Tone down the jerk please, some people are interested in a 2nd season even if it's not your type of show. Feel free to attack the pricing, though it's technically £200 odd and BluRay onlyy/quote]]/quote]I'll tone down the Jerk when they make a good show and a good price point (And no, a budget release shouldn't be a £80 on a lesser format so that doesn't count)

And why do I do it? Well it's an internet form, not a paid advertisement. If I was being paid off to do so, I'd sing it's praises as hard as it is to find praises in a show that, and let's face it here, is about a minor collecting and consuming porn and being a completely unlikeable douche canoe to everyone around her../quote]
To be fair, the budget release isn't £80 - it's $45, which is about £29.79. Even if you buy the budget release from UP1, it's only £10 more. Nowhere near your £80 figure.
Re: The News Thread (for news that does not need a thread)

ConanThe3rd said:
Rosencrantz said:
Tone down the jerk please, some people are interested in a 2nd season even if it's not your type of show. Feel free to attack the pricing, though it's technically £200 odd and BluRay onlyy/quote]]/quote]I'll tone down the Jerk when they make a good show and a good price point (And no, a budget release shouldn't be a £80 on a lesser format so that doesn't count)

And why do I do it? Well it's an internet form, not a paid advertisement. If I was being paid off to do so, I'd sing it's praises as hard as it is to find praises in a show that, and let's face it here, is about a minor collecting and consuming porn and being a completely unlikeable douche canoe to everyone around her../quote]e/quote]

The ironic thing is if you'd of put it that way in your 1st post i'd of passed on by without a comment, you've reasons for not liking the show. My point was essentially back up your 'I don't like this show' statement otherwise your not adding anything to the debate and not really being that respectful to those that go out of their way to post news.

More on topic we need to watch and see how this Bluray set does, it's obviously been set up to nicely tie in with season 2, and they've obviously realised they can reuse their subtitles to open the show up for US/UK import. What matters is how this plays out and if it becomes the normal practice. You can debate if current Animeplex releases are worthwhile when they clock in a bit ahead of the rest but even the most diehard fan will start to get upset if we get import level prices on everything.
Re: The News Thread (for news that does not need a thread)

Rosencrantz said:
My point was essentially back up your 'I don't like this show' statement otherwise your not adding anything to the debate and not really being that respectful to those that go out of their way to post news.
Freedom of expression man. Unless it expressly violates the rules of the forum or the admins happen to take exception, people can say what they like regardless of whether others think it adds to the conversation. There's nothing wrong with asking someone to elaborate on why they do or don't like something if their opinions interest you, but they're under no obligation to do so. As for respecting news posters, can you imagine what would happen if reporters took offence at people not liking the news they're reporting because they personally happened to think it was good news and their readers disagreed?

"Well, I was happy at the prospect of the UK supplying arms to Syrian rebels but now I see people disagreeing with me in the comments section I wish I hadn't even bothered telling you all!" - This is not something which actually happens.
Enough, please. Sorry to those whose comments on other stories got dragged to this thread as well ;_;

This topic will be locked if it takes a negative turn again which I hope won't happen. It's now clearly marked as both an AoA and an Oreimo thread, so if anyone doesn't like that they can go find a topic more to their liking and leave the fans of the show to discuss it here.

I wish Aniplex would offer their sets directly to us instead of having to make us import and pay more than the Japanese/American consumers, especially if they have the UK rights.
Surely it couldn't be that difficult to sell them through amazon or somewhere like that, heck even doing it through a dedicated website.

I would rather they did this at with their Blu-ray sets at least (Things like Bakemono/Nisemono/Oreimo which will never make it to these shores, let alone on Blu-ray) and offered DVD sub only releases to the local distributors or something.

In regards to Oreimo, I think it and Hanasaku Iroha are the only two shows which I have 'Dropped' (I'll probably watch them both eventually, heck I'm considering getting the BDs for both, and then I'll enjoy them), and to be honest, I'm pretty surprised this show is as popular as it is. Doesn't it mainly just pander to the Otaku audience? Being less into anime back then, maybe that's why I didn't enjoy it so much, I don't know. I may spree the first series and watch the second next season if I can get through it.

What else is even airing next season?

EDIT: I don't even know what thread I was posting in. Some posts say 'The News Thread' others 'Oreimo...' So confus >_<
I was about to say that they would most likely need the BBFC to rate everything they would want to sell here but then I thought...how does UP1 get away with selling US imports then?
Shh, Josh ;D

Mangaranga: Sorry, it keeps the original topic title for everyone other than the original post I changed and new ones.

I'm surprised to hear Oreimo and Hanasaku Iroha are your only dropped shows given how well received both of them were. While Oreimo certainly does pander, it does so knowingly and pokes fun at what it's doing. I found it pretty good (not good enough to want to upgrade from DVD LE to BD so soon, but few shows are).

(I hear on the grapevine that a proper next season post may be in our future soon.)

I was expecting a lot from Oreimo after reading a few chapters of the manga, but sadly I just found the anime rather odious. The whole atmosphere of the show was far too bitchy and snarky for me. Kirino struck me as being thoroughly unlikable, and whilst Kuroneko was more enjoyable to watch, I felt that most of her character was just there to pander to the section of the audience who were turned off by the other girls.

I might pick up the DVD release someday, just to see if the 'true end' for the first season is any better than the version that aired.

Kind of wish AOA had used this release strategy for Fate/Zero, as I'd happily pay £60-80 for a DVD release of that, rather than only having the option to shell out £300+ for the BD.
I personally found Kirino's personality to be rather unlikeable (I think I could sum it up by calling her a bratty B-witch), but the interactions she has with the other characters made up for it.
But Saori is the best character...

I think the reason this got a more convenient release was just timing. Fate/Zero happened to get a BD box from the outset in Japan, so we got fast tracked. OreImo's US release came a little while after the Japanese release but before the BD set, so AoA were able to sneak in a well-priced option for foreign buyers as an alternative to the later deluxe edition (BD set). Neither release was perfect; I'd have probably preferred the BD set had it come out with better timing but I can't be bothered to upgrade now.

F/Z is bound to get lower priced releases soon enough when the sales won't cause any issues with the premium version. Since OreImo's LE DVD set sold out really fast, AoA will know there's demand for that kind of release too.

Joshawott said:
I was about to say that they would most likely need the BBFC to rate everything they would want to sell here but then I thought...how does UP1 get away with selling US imports then?
UP1 shouldn't, just no one has prosecuted them yet.

sell "here" is really specific, selling to here doesn't count.
e.g Amazon EU (which is in Luxembourg) doesn't need BBFC certs (you can buy uncerted things off their other language sites no problem.)
Reaper gI said:
Joshawott said:
I was about to say that they would most likely need the BBFC to rate everything they would want to sell here but then I thought...how does UP1 get away with selling US imports then?
UP1 shouldn't, just no one has prosecuted them yet.

sell "here" is really specific, selling to here doesn't count.
e.g Amazon EU (which is in Luxembourg) doesn't need BBFC certs (you can buy uncerted things off their other language sites no problem.)

I assume that as a mail order company they can sell imports in a way a shop cannot? Unless you saying it is definately illegal?

F/Z is getting a dub http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rl94WZWya-M So I assume we'll get a shiny new set of some kind, hopefully with a BD option available.