Opinion: Are DVD's obsolete compared to Blu Rays now?

Combi-packs are more for if I go around to 'yay' person's house for a movie session and they don't have a blu-ray player

Or if my PS3 ever packs up.
Yes, I've managed to convince a few people to move over to BD, but a mixture of a) not really caring and b) the current price difference is always going to be enough to leave some people "behind". Even though people talk about how much more "obvious" the difference between VHS and DVD was, I still remember that it took some time for people in general to move over to DVD - there was just far less focus on the period before then, since the home video market wasn't anything like as big as it is now.
I think comes down to what genre you are watching and what type of screen you watching the video on. To whether Blu-Ray or DVD are better choice

Investing Blu-Ray would be worth it: If you are watching large budget action movies on large HD TV.

But not so worth it: If you watching mainly Anime on non HD CRT screen. Not exactly that much choice even in the USA in Anime Blu Ray to make it worth while for me to pay £400+ for Nice sized HD TV and £100 for a Blu Ray player.
I'm happy with DVDs for the most part, though I do agree that anime definitely benefits from the boost of blu-ray. However, I usually watch grotty-looking old stuff, so that boost is often unavailable. Which in turn has made me very lazy about buying the blu version if a DVD version exists.

I've noticed that blu-ray prices in the US (for anime, at least) are often very close to DVD, so I tend to pick them up more nowadays. I picked the DVD of FMA:B over the blu though, because subtitles being locked on is more annoying than an inferior picture to me. On the other hand, I was delighted by how slick EotE looked on blu, and pleased that I went for that version.

Uptake of blu amongst non-hobbyists still seems to be lagging, so I don't think DVD has anything to worry about from that department for a little while yet.

Relating back to my original post- I finally recieved my Kamikaze Girls Blu-ray yesterday, and watched it on my 24" monitor.

The difference was astronomical. The colours are substantially better, and i'm so glad I bought the Blu Ray now. Luckily, there is a bonus DVD in there, and it works for a nice comparison. Notably Ichiko's jacket- it looks terrible in SD compared to Blu Ray~!

Thank you for making me buy the Blu Ray everyone (notable Jayme)!
It's pretty much been said, but I think download will replace DVD for almost all purchases within the next two years (we already have the CD-like situation where DVDs are being sold for tuppence plus postage online). Blu-Ray is the collector's medium and will exist alongside it, but it will never be the market that DVD or VHS were.

I think it'll be interesting to see whether Blu-Ray is replaced by another physical medium at some far flung point. 1080p isn't as high as HD TVs are set to go, but it kind of seems like moving beyond it would be a 'Super Audio CD' type move adopted by an even finer niche market. The crazy thing is with the last two media pushes, Sony consoles were at the vanguard. I'm certain that two generations from now, consoles won't even have media drives, and if the next gen don't, it really won't surprise me.
kupocake said:
I'm certain that two generations from now, consoles won't even have media drives, and if the next gen don't, it really won't surprise me.
With the prices they charge for downloads versus the second hand discs which make up 90% of my current games library, they'd bloody well better have physical media drives. Saying that, if it gets to the point where I have to download games, I will. I just might not be paying for them.

And let me reiterate how much I hate streaming. Tonight YouChube will only play more than the first five seconds of a video after between one and three page refreshes.
Stuart-says-yes said:
Also the next gen Nintendo console, will run on holographic disks as they can hold up to 4-6 TB, which is way more than you can download in a day.
Where did you read that? Although obviously Nintendo are by far the most likely to "hold out" on download services.

ayase: Get a better PC and a Crunchyroll subscription.
ilmaestro said:
Sparrowsabre7 said:
I'd also never buy a 2d animation in blu ray as I mentioned on the Manga cancelling FMAB Blu topic.
This, to my mind, is *nuts*.

I can't decide what's more wrong - thinking that there is more detail in special effects than there is in the *real world*, or thinking that animation drawn in "HD" somehow doesn't benefit from being reproduced at the original resolution.

Please, please believe me when I say you must simply have not been in the right environment, or had the right source materials, to see the benefit that HD can bring to animation.

I'm not saying there is more detail in special effects, but special effects benefit more from being HD I think, it makes them look better. If the real world is vaguely fuzzy, it still looks real, if special effects look fuzzy it can make them look less real.

And I'm not saying there is no benefit in HD anime, but it's not enough for me to justify the price hike, if they were the same price then yes I probably would invest in them. Plus, with certain anime, I like it looking a little less sharp, it adds character. Like 90s simpsons compared to 00s simpsons. Also this is a non-issue anyway since pretty much none of the anime I own is available in HD anyway.
The '90s Simpsons compared to now has absolutely NOTHING to do with it being in HD. It's Groening loving his characters to be on-model, all the time and the recent animator changes that do it. Just compared the original opening to the HD one and you can see how boring they look - Marge's head turn at the grocery store is a big difference to her original heart-pumping hair flip. If they put the original '90s episodes in HD, it'd be bloody spectacular.
Jayme said:
The '90s Simpsons compared to now has absolutely NOTHING to do with it being in HD. It's Groening loving his characters to be on-model, all the time and the recent animator changes that do it. Just compared the original opening to the HD one and you can see how boring they look - Marge's head turn at the grocery store is a big difference to her original heart-pumping hair flip. If they put the original '90s episodes in HD, it'd be bloody spectacular.

*bangs head on table* I KNOW that the Simpsons now is not in HD it's a change in the evolution of animation quality. I'm saying I think the 90's simpsons had more character because it wasn't as crisp, and that's how I feel about certain animes.

I don't see why I'm the bad guy here =P I just don't want to buy blu rays for anime, I'm not racially prejudiced against blu rays :p it's just my oppinion and tastes.
Sparrowsabre7 said:
I'm not saying there is more detail in special effects, but special effects benefit more from being HD I think, it makes them look better. If the real world is vaguely fuzzy, it still looks real, if special effects look fuzzy it can make them look less real.
You have it totally backwards. When you see live action films in HD, you realize how much more "real" it looks, whereas when you see SFX in HD you realize how much more "fake" they look. HD *exposes* SFX, even the best ones, and only serves to draw out more detail in real world locations.
ilmaestro said:
Sparrowsabre7 said:
I'm not saying there is more detail in special effects, but special effects benefit more from being HD I think, it makes them look better. If the real world is vaguely fuzzy, it still looks real, if special effects look fuzzy it can make them look less real.
You have it totally backwards. When you see live action films in HD, you realize how much more "real" it looks, whereas when you see SFX in HD you realize how much more "fake" they look. HD *exposes* SFX, even the best ones, and only serves to draw out more detail in real world locations.

Well, I'll buy my blu rays and you buy yours and then we'll both be happy =P
I just buy dvd's, that way i know i can play it downstairs, in my room, or take them round to a friends house. I've only ever bought one blu-ray (ponyo) to try it out on my brothers PS3, and i can't say i noticed the difference.
I think its 32 inch, not sure though. Either way, id choose being in the comfort of my own room over viewing quality when it comes to watching stuff.
DanM said:
I just buy dvd's, that way i know i can play it downstairs, in my room, or take them round to a friends house. I've only ever bought one blu-ray (ponyo) to try it out on my brothers PS3, and i can't say i noticed the difference.

On first reading, I read that as "Porno" xD
Godot said:
DanM said:
I just buy dvd's, that way i know i can play it downstairs, in my room, or take them round to a friends house. I've only ever bought one blu-ray (ponyo) to try it out on my brothers PS3, and i can't say i noticed the difference.

On first reading, I read that as "Porno" xD

With porno definitely go SD. Takes up less space on the Harddrive =P