Online DVD rentals


Straw Hat Pirate
With all of us wanting to get our hands on as much anime as we can, the subject of renting discs online sometimes comes up- but with so many companies now offering rental services, it can be hard to choose between. This thread is meant to make the decision a little- if you subscribe or have subscribed to a rental service, write a paragraph or so about the service works, and if you're thinking of subscribing, feel free to ask any questions. I'll be thorough and start with some general information.

General info
Depending on what service you sign up for, you'll typically be allowed 1-5 DVDs at home at a time- once you create a list of items you want to rent, the company will begin sending them out (you'll have a certain degree of control over which order they get sent out in, but obviously it's also very dependent on what everyone else is renting). The envelope they arrive in doubles as a pre-paid return envelope, so you can just drop it into a postbox when you're done, and they'll send out another disc. Note: each disc in a release counts separately, e.g. a volume of GITS:SAC counts as 2 discs

Payment is usually by credit/debit card, it'll go out of your account every month until you cancel. I think most, if not all companies, will require you to be over 18, so if you're not, you may have to find a willing relative to do it (tempt them with a share of the rentals if all else fails ;) ).

Specific companies
Services offered: 3 DVDs at home at a time, max 6 per month (£9.99 per month) or 2 DVDs at home at a time, max 4 per month (£7.99 per month).
Database size: Pretty much any already released R2 listed on the site (anime and non-anime, even ones that aren't available to buy), there are a few random gaps such as Noir 7, FMP 6 and Pretear 2.
DVD turnaround: (i.e. how long it takes for them to send out the next disc once you've returned one)- almost always 2 working days, unless you've reached your monthly limit.
Comments: amazon's rental service is excellent, they process and send out DVDs extremely quickly, and you can set the priorities for each item individually. Amazon also tell you the availability of each disc so you'll always be able to tell what's going to be sent out next.

There are a couple of cons- amazon never tell you the content of the individual discs so you may end up getting disc 2 of a feature and finding that it's only bonus material that you didn't really care about. They also don't deal well with changing release dates, so if an item is released earlier than planned they might not make it available until the original release date. The 4/6 disc limit will also be a pain to anyone who wants to watch a large amount of discs.

Tesco rentals (run by Video Island)
Services offered: 1, 2 or 3 discs at home at a time, unlimited rentals (£7.97, £11.47 and £13.97 per month respectively). When you first sign up, you get a two week free trial, but if you don't cancel and return your DVDs in that time they'll automatically start billing you.
Database size: Seems to contain all in-print R2's, they sometimes don't get rental copies of new releases straightaway. (edit: Tesco use the same database as Screenselect)
DVD turnaround: 2-4 working days
Comments: Tesco are a bit slower than amazon when it comes to sending DVDs out, and there's also much less control over what you get sent (you can set three levels of priority, but even then you may not get the top priority discs first). They don't give any indication of what's available, so it's a bit random, but they will send out discs from season sets in order.

Okay, I've talked for long enough- if anyone has any questions or wants to write about a different company, feel free to take centre stage... :D seems well established...

They're what I'm using at the moment, I think their pricing is as follows:

£9.99 - 1 DVD at a time, unlimited amount per month
£12.49 - 2 ""
£14.99 - 3 "" (what I'm on)

They're really good.. same day turn around, and free first class, so I get them the day after they're posted.


Um.. anyway, Hi everyone! :D Just thought I'd introduce myself. This is my first post.. I'm new to anime, hence on a subscription rental thing over the summer (between school and college) so I can start watching some more! So far, only seen Bebop, Trigun, Hellsing, Ghost in the Shell Movie, Spirited Away, Lain... and I've read Megatokyo manga (though, that isn't Japanese.. it's still funny!) and I own all the Bebop manga but I haven't got round to reading it yet :oops:

edit: forgot to mention, screenselect also let you specify what discs you want to take out, and they have reviews too.. this is good because (apparently) Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex have two discs the same (apart from audio options) is quite good too. Been using it at the mo to catch up on old TV series my bro and I have missed out on but have checked and they do anime so will be watching more soon :D. Pretty much same pricing as the few above (unlimited rental 3 DVDs at a time £14.99). Turn around is pretty good too though it seems they have a fair few gaps with regards to anime - will improve I'm sure. Oh yeah apparently UK's no.1 online DVD rental service as well.
I use To me it seems pretty good has a huge selection of DVD's and alot of Anime. Also the reviews are good and helo me decide. Plus they get their DVD's in PDQ
my house mate uses screen select 3 at a time option, i am with blockbuster 5 at a time option i generally get about 9-15 a week usually 2 days turn around depending on post, screen select appear to have slowe3d down a lot lately as my house mate ony gets about 2 lots of discs a week. compared to the 3 he nearly always got.

as far as selection goes both seam great, screen select appears to have a slightly better selection and it is a lot easier to request titles that are not listed

generally each appear to go though phases of being very good at sending you what you want and sometimes sending things from the bowls of your list. i have arounf 350 dvds listed on my list and my house mate has about 100 i have recceived about 250 since march and he has had about 180 ish i think

i have receivd all of full metal panic, all of magical shopping arcade ninja scroll azumanga diaoh most of fist of the north star, ezcel saga, puni puni peomy mezzo gravion and a whole bunch of others i am recieving carnivale season 1 at the moment and aquarian age. as well as gundam seed gundam movies.

i recommend either of these two companies but im quite interested to see how screenselect will do now it has merged with dvd 365.

love film i was very interested in viewing.

if your still not convinced then check out all the deals that are available at the moment for most online rental companies.

It's not the best value for money and I'm not sure why anyone would want such a basic deal, but amazon have started offering a new service; 3 DVDs per month (1 at home at a time) for £5.99 per month.
I signed up to blockbusters last week. Having added 5 titles to my list and activating it I was told 1 was on its way to me. There has been no reason supplied why the others arent coming but it either has to do with them not being in stock or I made a booboo using the first to last feature. the DVD hasnt arrived yet but I guess thats because it was sent out on friday and the post office sucks for over weekend posting.
Amazon have added yet another service (although still not as good value as other companies)- if you reach your monthly limit you can request additional rentals for £1.99 per disc.

Edit: There's also an annoying gap in the Tesco/Screenselect catalogue- Gundam SEED #3 isn't listed. I've emailed them about it, but nothing's come of it so far.

Edit part 2: Gundam SEED #3 is finally available to rent.
Blockbusters give priority to paying customers, so that's why it was slow when you were on trial.

Screenselect: I've been with them for a year and their turnaround is getting slower and slower. You have no idea what's going to come next, and it's usually the filler titles that you put on the list because they make you have about 20 titles in your list. When the dvds do arrive they are usually scratched to hell, half unplayable! So I cancelled..

Amazon: ...and went to Amazon. So far, they've sent out the discs straight away, all arrived together the next day. The discs are all like new! At £9.99 for 6 dvds a month though it's very steep, i'm missing Screenselect's as many dvds as you can watch policy ;) but that's probably why their discs are knackered and you can never get what you want.
is it worth doing this then? theres so many anime series I want to buy (just getting into buying it) but its going to end up quite costly....maybe I will have to ask for some for chirstmas! I can see why it would be good, but part of me also wants to keep them to watch again, what do you guys think?
I'm a bit annoyed at Lovefilm at the moment. They keep sending me a series out of order wasting my rental fee by causing me to have to resend it back without watching the disc in hope of them sending the correct order disc. When I suggest ways of avoiding this by having their pickers skip a title series and send the next volume of a different series I have on queue instead, they come back with a lame excuse that " we aim to send the next available disk in your queue but can't guarentee it will be in any order". So why bother with a queue priority then? I mean surely if a picker;
1) Has a lick of common sence.
2)Can read good English.
they can see "" No. 1 Chrono Crusade Vol. 2", not available. Well he won't want No.2 volume 3, and No.3 volume 4 then. I see he wants No.4 Last Exile Vol. 2. That's available," and off it goes.
But no, they sent me CC vol. 3 & 4 instead. I'm seriously considering moving to Amazon, or summat as this is about the forth time this has happened. :roll:

Rant finished

Right, Reducing my Queue down to just the one title I want sent next has gotten a response from them asking why with a phone number to call to discuss it. So after our discussion They have told me that "all discs are selected by a machine attached to a computer that unfortunately can not distinguish between an individual title and a title of a series volume." They go on to state that they are in the process of rectifying this problem but they have to do it series by series and since they have such a large amount of series in both live action, as well as animation, this will take a while, and they beg for patience. They have also added the lost rental count back on to my account in repayment for the grief this has caused with their compliments telling me should this happen again, and I'm sure it will, to call them and they will do the same again, which I have confirmed I will. Can't be much fairer than that.
8427 said: seems well established...

They're what I'm using at the moment, I think their pricing is as follows:

£9.99 - 1 DVD at a time, unlimited amount per month
£12.49 - 2 ""
£14.99 - 3 "" (what I'm on)

They're really good.. same day turn around, and free first class, so I get them the day after they're posted.


Um.. anyway, Hi everyone! :D Just thought I'd introduce myself. This is my first post.. I'm new to anime, hence on a subscription rental thing over the summer (between school and college) so I can start watching some more! So far, only seen Bebop, Trigun, Hellsing, Ghost in the Shell Movie, Spirited Away, Lain... and I've read Megatokyo manga (though, that isn't Japanese.. it's still funny!) and I own all the Bebop manga but I haven't got round to reading it yet :oops:

edit: forgot to mention, screenselect also let you specify what discs you want to take out, and they have reviews too.. this is good because (apparently) Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex have two discs the same (apart from audio options)

Well for a first post (although I have been reading the site for about a month), this'll be quite random, but anyway...

With reference to ScreenSelect, I came across a neat link purely by accident... It goes through a random free i-pod site (which shockingly appears to be ad/spam free - but thats something else entirely), but gives you a free months trial with screen select... saving a minimum of a tenner for the first month.
Their selection seems quite good too... just selected all the hack//sign episodes and the few Bubblegum 2040 ones I hadn't seen. Only fault I found was their lack of GITS SAC, as they only had vols 1 and 2 available (I have them all anyway, but looked out of interest), but they did have GITS2 available for pre-order rental :D

Anyway, link follows....Clicky!
I find it very annoying that some of these online rental companies don't offer every volume of an anime, making renting them rather pointless. Blockbuster (who I'm with now) have every volume of Wolf's Rain out to rent now and future releases listed EXCEPT Volume 4! Just seems odd
Would anyone recommend online rentals other store rentals? And would you say its better to rent or just buy a series because in my opinion its better to just buy. I prefer to just buy because series can pick up and then it adds to your mighty anime collection.
yea buts if its a seire your not sure if you will like you can rent them and buy them after if you like it. alot cheaper that way.

tho i dont rent myself and end up buying everything but thats becuase im weird and love wasteing money. and there not much i wont watch.
My rental tip:
Recently have been doing a rental offer.
Click the link, join with Screen Select and get 5 free rentals.
And, once you've joined up, Sendit e-mail you two £10 off vouchers for their site.
Screen Select are quite decent too, though you get sent discs based on a priority list rather than the actual one you want. Still, this offer's free as long as you remember to quit the subsrciption after your 5th disc (I think the free subsrciption lasts 5 rentals or 21 days, whichever is sooner).
Plenty of free introductory rental deals out there but few offer you money off vouchers too, the only catch being that you have to use the £10 voucher against something costing £10+ (rather than a bunch of cheap DVDs).