One Hour Photo


Vampire Ninja
Anyone watched the psychological thriller One Hour Photo with Robin Williams?

I watched it on Film4 a few months back and rate it as one of my current favourite psychological thrillers (particulary from Hollywood America). And I empthasized with Robin William's character too.

I bought it cheap on DVD as a result.

Also, I like how Neon Genesis Evangelion merchandise gets a mention in the film too, which is kind of appropriate what with the psychological connection bewteen the two! :lol:
I usually can't stand Robin Williams but he put in a worthwhile performance for this film.

The only thing that really annoyed me about the film is that kid called that Eva figure one of the good guys and that they were calling it Evanjellyon. Obviously somebody on the crew was a fan but it was apparent nobody else cared. Man that's being picky...

Also I didn't like how Robin Williams character had the same name as me. >: (
yea i heard that he is thats why the eva is in there. also he's apparently involved with the live action evangelion movie.

Great film aswell!
Thing about Robin Williams for me isn't so much that I dislike him (in fact I actually think he's a good actor), I just don't like a lot of the material he's been involved in.

Too many of his previous works have been over-drenched with sentimentality preaching idealist American values which just don't exist in reality.

However, I do like Robin Williams as I already said, but there are only two films I've seen of his that I actually genuinely like. This one - One Hour Photo - and Good Will Hunting.

There's another film he's done recently which sounds very promising, but for the life of me I can't remember what it was called!

Also, in regards towards how he pronounced Evangelion I think Guyver 0 is right - its probably just the accent. :)
I cannot watch this film, saw it once and unfortunately Robin Williams character in this looks just like my Grandfather which really creeped me out.

Robin Williams is a great actor in my opinion, I have never really been disappointed by one of his performances and I would love to see him try out roles like this in the future as he does it so well
The thing I find with Robin Williams is that he is either really good or really bad. There is no middle ground. In this film he was great. In fact it is the roles where he plays a sort of bad guy (Insomnia, One Hour Photo) where he excels, and the comedy roles (for which he is famous) get right on my nerves.

This film freaked me out too, in that some stalker guy I once worked with looked so much like his character...<shudders>