Ojiichan ga kita!


Completely Average High School Student
Hello everyone! I'm Kitakara, a loooong time fan of manga, anime and Japanese culture in general. Some of you may know of me as Rock-Lee on the UK Anime Network forum, although I haven't been too active on there recently.

I'm a 42 year old man living in West Yorkshire with my wife and two children and I've been watching anime and reading manga on and off for about 20 years.

Amongst the first anime I bought (on VHS!) was Macross Plus, 3X3 Eyes and Ushio and Tora.

Some of my all time favourite films and series are Gurren Lagann, Samurai Champloo, Paranoia Agent, Macross (all of it!), Code Geass, Time of Eve, Paprika, Spirited Away and Totoro. Watanabe Shinichiro, Kon Satoshi and Miyazaki Hayao can do no wrong in my eyes!

I'm currently watching Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, Kill La Kill, Seirei no Moribito, Shin Sekai Yori, Twelve Kingdoms and Attack on Titan, all of which are fantastic!

Manga wise, some all time favourites include Death Note, Dragonball, Battle Angel Alita, Ranma, Eden! It's An Endless World and Nausicaa. I also love anything by Hino Hideshi and Shirow Masamune.

I love a bit of shonen and I'm up to date and have read all of One Piece, Naruto, Bleach, Toriko, Blue Exorcist, World Trigger and One Punch Man all of which I'm following in the digital Weekly Shonen Jump. Stealth Symphony, All You Need Is Kill and Seraph of the End are all great Shonen Jump stories too.

Other manga I'm currently reading includes 20th Century Boys, Fairy Tail and Knights of Sidonia.

As my wife is Japanese, I'm lucky enough to enjoy regular trips to Japan where I invariably spend too much money on anime and manga merchandise.

So, hello! Am I too old to be into this stuff? Are there any other 'mature' fans around here?
Kitakara said:
Am I too old to be into this stuff? Are there any other 'mature' fans around here?

Judging by the complete lack of any reply or greeting, it would seem the answers to these questions are "Yes" and "No" respectively...
Hello there Kitakara. I did miss your post. I dont think you are old for this no. Despite not being that old, I have been watching anime for around.. I would say 15 years... where the last 10 I can say I knew what i was watching. I remember watching Ghost in the Sheel on VHS too long time ago and Ninja Scroll too.

Seems like you are watching a lot of stuff at the moment, most of them is great so you picked up some good titles. Despite watching Kill la KIll, the show hasnt convinced me at all but somehow I am still waching it and I will until the end now. Just 4 or 5 eps left anyway.

You got some good favourite shows too there, similar to me.

And about your wife, that great :) Seems like you have a happy family then :)

And so you dont get worried, dont worry about your age, as long as you enjoy it, I think its good. I dont see myself letting this hobbie go though sometimes I get away for a bit and then I come back strong again to devour more anime lolol
The lack of response may be more likely down to the Introductions section not being that well read these days (possibly due to being right down at the bottom of the page). Also people are shy. We definitely have a good number of veteran fans around here who've been watching anime for longer than they'd probably care to admit.

He was never a member here, but for what it's worth, there was a successful anime reviewer on youtube who called himself 'Grumpy Jii-san', who'd talk about anime while he hiked around the American countryside. I'm not sure what age he was exactly, but I'd say he was well into his sixties at least, and he was both popular and well-respected. Unfortunately, his videos suddenly stopped without any explanation - speculation was that his health was not great. Anyway, my point is that age should not be a barrier between a man and his cartoons. If you feel like posting about it, go for it, and I'm sure no-one will care a jot whether you're 15 or 150.

Personally, I came into it during Manga Video's golden age in the mid-nineties, so I'm probably not that far off the twenty year anniversary myself. I tend to be more into the older shows (I still have the Ushio & Tora Comedy Deformed volume on VHS), but I still find enough new material to maintain my interest in the medium. You can probably deduce my thoughts on Kill la Kill from my choice of avatar. I also still count Shirow as one of my favourite artists, although it saddens me somewhat that he basically just does smut now.
Hello and welcome to the forum Kitakara, hope you enjoy your stay. As far as mature anime fans go, you are only a few years older than me (I turn 40 this year) so don't worry about it. So long as it gives you enjoyment then it is no problem. I also have been a fan since the mid 1990s starting with seeing Akira on BBC 2.
Thanks everyone. I don't feel as out of place knowing there are some other old(ish) buggers round here.
Professor Irony said:
The lack of response may be more likely down to the Introductions section not being that well read these days (possibly due to being right down at the bottom of the page). Also people are shy. We definitely have a good number of veteran fans around here who've been watching anime for longer than they'd probably care to admit.

Actually what I do when I get to the forum is to click on "view new posts" and with that, I can see all topics with new messages. Maybe people just go to the sections they have interest or something. :)
bakum4tsu said:
Professor Irony said:
The lack of response may be more likely down to the Introductions section not being that well read these days (possibly due to being right down at the bottom of the page). Also people are shy. We definitely have a good number of veteran fans around here who've been watching anime for longer than they'd probably care to admit.

Actually what I do when I get to the forum is to click on "view new posts" and with that, I can see all topics with new messages. Maybe people just go to the sections they have interest or something. :)
The problem with that is 'view new post' is only available when you are logged in (I often check the site without logging in, often when I am using my PS3).