Oh Well, Here Goes.......


Completely Average High School Student
Hey-ho all, I Realise I Shouldve Done this sooner but I havent got around to it so far..... Hehe ^.^, Any way here goes......

My Name is Phil, Im 17 and a student at RFDC somewhere in Ye Olde Forest Of Dean .
I Like anime and Manga although Have little Knowledge of such Things, I also enjoy comedy - The best of british and american as well as many old and obscure movies. And I mainly Collect DVDs and have a vast collection in a large cupboard thats slightly musty and isnt good for storing many other things. People say I sound american. They also say I need a haircut. I have no love life what-so-ever :cry: Pleased to finally Say:


I also am not fond of Chavs or Rap music
Lol, it looks like the anime forum might just turn into an anti-chav forum (and why not?!)

I'm also pretty new to the forum (and to anime and manga in general!) so you have the honour of the first hello. Hello... There it is... Not really worth much I guess... But hey!
Melainy said:
Welcome to the forums Smokitt! My excuse is that haircuts are for the weak! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
And for those who have a job interview next week. Quite why people think blokes with long hair can't do their job properly is beyond me but c'est la vie. ;)
whilst on the subject i thort i should add a few jokes :lol:

What do you call a chav on fire? Blazin

What do you call a chav in a box? Innit

What do you call a chav in a filing cabinet? Sorted

What do you call a chav in a box with a lock on it? Safe

What do you call an eskimo chav? innuinnit

What do you call a chav with two GCSE's? A LIAR

Chavs are like slinkies, they have no real use but there fun to watch fall down the stairs!