Oglaf.com (webcomic)


This is the best webcomic I've seen in awhile, have some examples:








Just keep in mind most of them are NSFW are most of them involve sex
Egad. Here's what they didn't teach me in school history lessons.

Well, that and the Crusades. Plus the Mexican Revolution, come to think of it. Add to that the Sino-Japanese war.


Upon further consideration, there were a great many things my school history lessons did not teach me, the contents of this webcomic being only one example. As such, it wasn't as poignant or witty for me to post the above one-liner as I was hoping, rendering much of this comment somewhat pointless. I digress.
Zin5ki said:
Egad. Here's what they didn't teach me in school history lessons.

Well, that and the Crusades. Plus the Mexican Revolution, come to think of it. Add to that the Sino-Japanese war.


Upon further consideration, there were a great many things my school history lessons did not teach me, the contents of this webcomic being only one example. As such, it wasn't as poignant or witty for me to post the above one-liner as I was hoping, rendering much of this comment somewhat pointless. I digress.

We learned the crusades, but none of that other stuff. I have to say you weren't missing much, the only crusade of any interest to me is the Last (Indiana Jones and the).