Oct. Expo 07 - Help a photography student?


Completely Average High School Student
Hi everyone!!

The expo is so close isn't it? XD I should have posted this sooner If I was thinking ahead (Which I'm obviously not) XD;; Thing is, I'm in abit of a bind and looking for people who might be willing to spend some time modeling for me on Sat 'n Sun. You'd be getting professional style photographs done for FREE! 888D!?

I'm a photography student, whose chosen to do 'Cosplay and JFashion' as my theme. Which means the best place for me to get pictures whould be at the expo, right?
I'll be taking photographs with a SLR camera so that I can develope the film and make prints of the photos. I'll also be sending people free professional prints of their photos as a thank you for helping me~ ( Tempted yet? ;DD <3? )

I'm really looking for anyone who'll be cosplaying or dressed in any Lolita, Fruits, Visual Kei ect. type clothing. I'd be really, really, really!!! Greatfull to anyone who whouldn't mind spending a few minutes to let me snap a few shots of them~
If you are interested please leave me a message in any shape or form, I'm hoping to get a huge range of people <3
If we do get a large group of people I'll set a time and place to meet~~ It's all free after all T.T So please help me? *sniff*

Waiting to here from you!
Aw, Grimreapingunderworld - As an ex-Photography student myself, I'd love to help.... but dressing up seems a bit of a step too far for me personally..... :p

I know how much of a swine it can be to get people to sit/pose for you for a project.... that's why after Portraiture, I took Landscape and Still Life projects! :D

Good luck - I hope people sign up for you. I would though recommend turning up to the event with a bunch of 'business cards' or similar (if you can manage it: Maybe even your portfolio (full or just a sample) thus far). That way you can approach all the costumed people at the Expo (there are always a heap at that sort of thing) and show them your 'experience' and that you are serious, right there on the spot. They are more likely to pose for you having seen some of your work/seriousness, as oppossed to you asking them 'cold'.

Good Luck!

P.S. Take a tripod!!!!
hey, i too am currently studying Photography! and i too was also thinking of taking snaps at the upcomming expo, but not particularly aimed at cosplay.

it may be hard for me to get the SLR camera out (since all the students wants to take it out and take snaps) so i may just use the black and white mode on my digital camera and take pics using that lol.
I will be at the expo but not sure if I will be cosplaying as haven't had time to put something together. Will let you know if I do.

If you wander around the expo and see people dressed how you want ask them if you can take there picture, I've never met a cosplayer who has said no to a picture opportunity
Hey guys...

I hope you're all lookin' forward to the MCM London Expo... infact it'd be cool to meet some of you. There will be an Afro Samurai booth there where you can get yourselves some free stuff... so make sure you come and check us out... and yeah, mention your from UK Anime

But you also won't wanna miss the opportunity to meet Takashi Okazaki, the creator of Afro Samurai, who will be flying in from Japan to sign some Afro stuff that you may have and do a quick Q&A with everyone... so if you have Afro related questions, make sure you're there!

Also, coming soon... an Afro Samurai Cosplay competition where you can win SIGNED DVD'S!

I'll give you info on Monday as it becomes Official!

Otherwise... feel free to send a few PM's my way if you have any questions.

Afro Samurai UK
Hi guys!! Thanks very much for all your replies! ^-^ <3

Minister3333: I'll take your advise and do that!! Thanks so much!! And yes, Tripod, mustn't forget it!! Being so tall, (6'2") they can be such a pain to use XD But well worth it 8D

Hope to see you guys there!!