kupocake said:
What the hell?! That's the actual tin of sweets in the film right? Bizarre...but I want it!
kupocake said:All these years and I still haven't got a stuffed Totoro... I DO have a Porco Rosso art book though. It's kind of unfortunate you got one of the few ones Viz actually distributes in English (Give us Laputa, Fireflies, Whisper already...), but no one can pity you for having what is a damned nice book when all is said and done!*
Haha! Almost every large shop I went into in Tokyo had a Ghibli/Totoro section. You can get them in all different sizes and colours too. There are plenty of places to get them online though. I think my one cost about £30, but you can tell how well made it is.
I didn't realise at the time the Proco Rosso book was available in English, but I prefer the original Japanese versions anyway (one day I hope to be able to translate at least some of the text in them!). I also have the Nausicaa book now, I'd like to try and get the whole set for each film.
kupocake said:One thing I was wondering about the cels in the Ghibli museum: are they reproductions or the originals? It never seemed likely that they could affordably sell the originals and not run out of them in less than half a year!
I think they must be reproductions? How much would an original print of a Ghibli film be worth? I'll dig mine out at the weekend and take a photo anyway.
kupocake said:* It would be rude of me not to link the following blog for anyone who enjoys animation art books: http://parkablogs.com/content/art-books-asia
Cheers for that link, I've bookmarked it. Very helpful!!