Obsessive anime fandom/knowledge scale^^


Dandy Guy, in Space
Hey Lol I know it's kind of late for us here in the UK but i was wandering I've seen these japanese otaku on the internet with bady pillow with pics and anime girls on them etc and i thought to myself "thats a really dedicated/obsessive fan" so I'm wamdering if there are any fans on here that are that into anime so if you like you can rate yourselfs on 2 scales.

the first scale is the anime knowledge base scale rate yourself from 1-10 1 being a newbie to anime and 10 being an anime genius.

the second scale is the anime fandom scale again its 1-10 1 being a person thats probably just descovered anime and 10 being the unhealthily obsessive fans so sometimes but thankfully rarly see.^^
Hmm. Anime knowledge, eh? I guess I have some. I know a fair bit about my favourites and I know a little bit about other anime I like, as well as random tidbits from anime I've never even seen.

I'd say I'm a 4/10 for knowledge. I know some, but not a lot.

As for my anime fandom, I have a few posters and wallscrolls, and quite a few DVDs. I would like to own a few figurines and having a pillow case/body pillow/t-shirt with the FMP girls would be nice. I watch a lot of anime too. I probably watch roughly 4 episodes per night (which obviously fluctuates).

For fandom, I'd say I'm a 7/10.
I'd give myself a 6 on both counts.

By no means have I seen everything, but I tend to develop a good knowledge of what I have seen thanks to a good memory rather than out of obsessiveness.

As for fandom, Aside from dvd's I tend to buy soundtracks and artbooks - but not really other collectables (though I did just order a Revoltech Ingram, so this may be changing).
i only really get into some shows, most i couldnt give two flying f's about. when it comes to tenchi id be 10/10 but others its just general.
I own a fairly large collection of DVDs, but that's really as far as my fandom goes. I don't bother collecting merchandise, soundtracks etc.

Knowledge wise, I'd give myself 5/10. Similarly to Maxon, I know a fair bit about my favourites and random bits and pieces about stuff I haven't seen, but I'm not exactly a guru.
in knowledge I'd give me a 10 out of 10, because what I don't know about anime is simply not worthy ;D

Seriously now, I'd give me a 7 out of 10. I'm a hardcore fan, have seen a lot of anime, but I can't remember details of those I didn't like enough. I do try to watch everything I start to the end, unless the series is absurdly bad.

WRT fandom, I'd say I'm a 9 out of 10. I possibly consume more anime and magna than it's healthy...
mmm...I prefer manga rather than anime, but it's because I prefer books rather than movies.

About anime, I'm not a newbie, because I watch anime since I was a child, but I don't have big knowledge because I watch only the anime that I like, and not all, so I can't known all. Maybe I can say 7/10.

Second scale: I'm not sure if I'm an otaku... I really like anime and manga, sometimes I went to anime's festivals but I don't think I'm crazy about them. 7/10 (I think so)
4 / 10 for knowledge, know a few series but only in a selected genre.

As for fandom... would have to say 6 / 10, although i watch quite alot so maybe higher?
I know what I need to know and what I want to know. I'm not going to rate myself.

As for fandom, personally, I'm -11/10.
I dunno. See, I like a lot of anime, but....well, saying "I like anime" is like saying "I like documentaries", it's just such a vast expanse of quality and sub-genre.

Personally I'd say I'm fairly knowledgeable about anime as a whole. I know the names of series, maybe a couple of important points, I've seen quite a bit, I may not always know the cast and director, but hey, I don't have infinite time. So for knowledge, probably a 6.

For fandom....I used to be more of a fan but I did fall out of love with anime for about a year and a half. I'd probably give myself 3/10 here. Sure, I buy the DVDs, maybe some tasteful merchandise, attend Amecon every year, but I don't cosplay, avoid major sections of the fandom, and the use of the word "otaku" makes me want to jump across a table and strangle people.
Somewhere between 2 and 7. I look around these forums sometimes and haven't a clue about the new big thing you're all talking about, but I have a few nuggets of specialized, obscure and frankly useless knowledge about certain anime stuff.
I'd probably rate myself as a 5/10, however, if you'd asked me this a couple of years ago it would probably be much higher. Sadly work, and general being older duties get in the way of my obsession. Doesn't help that my misses ain't a fan either. T_T
Otaku-san said:
thing is how can you define knowledge. when we have the world right at our fingertips
Very true, I mite know nothing about what someones saying one min, but a few clicks later I'm a genius at copy and paste.
Voddas said:
Otaku-san said:
thing is how can you define knowledge. when we have the world right at our fingertips
Very true, I mite know nothing about what someones saying one min, but a few clicks later I'm a genius at copy and paste.

exactly, thing is I can't do Japanese language, but Hey presto, Bablefish has done it for me.

(if not sloppily)
For knowledge I probably would only give myself 3/10. I am more interested in reading and watching stuff, than remembering every detail of a certain directors career

As for being a fan probably a 7/10. I buy a lot of DVDs and Manga with maybe the odd T-shirt or figure now and again. I am not really that interested in most of the merchandise, I would much rather spend the cash on more shows to watch or manga to read.
5/10 for the first one. I know some things, and some things I don't know :lol:

Probably 7/10 for the second one. I've dropped off the last few weeks, but that's mainly as I can't get a summer job. In March I worked out I'd spent over £1500 on anime and manga in a year.
Yeah, anime can be quite costly like. In 2006 I spent £1800 on anime when a Silverscreen opened near my house. A place in my town that actually sold anime. I was loving it (my bank balance was not). Silverscreen closed down shortly after that which sucked. Guess my sole prchases weren't enough to keep it open.
Worst part is I got £1800 worth of bonus points on the clubcard, but they closed down before I could take advantage of that point.