Oban Star Racers gets UK DVD release


After gaining lots of popularity within the anime community following it's airing on Jetix and GMTV, Oban Star Racers is going to be released over two volumes on DVD.

The first volume will contain episodes 1-13, and the second volume (which at this time has no release date confirmed) will include the remaining episodes of the series (episodes 14-26).

Source : <a href="http://eyeonanime.co.uk/panda.php">Eye On Anime</a>

Play.com have announced a tentative release date of July 30th for volume 1. To view the listing <a href="http://www.play.com/DVD/DVD/4-/3356972/-/Product.html?searchstring=oban&searchsource=1">click here.</a>
I Couldn't stand the animation style of this show, maybe if i actually gave it a try, might have been worth the money.
i just wrote out the comment and it took me awhile i then went back by mistake and had to write it again so i tried to make it shorter.my sincerest apologies girls
I might pick this up since it's cheap. I was hoping it'd have more than just the English dub on the DVDs, hopefully play.com are wrong.
What language was this made for originally? Am I right in thinking the French audio was the first recorded and then dubbed into other languages?

I was a bit let down with Konno's opening music for this. I love an incredible amount of her composition work but this just didn't cut it for me. The ending music I haven't heard yet. EDIT: Actually scratch that, I just listened to it again and it's a lot more listenable than I remember but still not that great.
ANN has the voice cast listed for Japanese, French and English.

http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclo ... hp?id=3633

2006-04-12 (France TV Broadcast)
2006-05-27 (London MCM Expo)
2006-06-05 (Original U.S. Broadcast)
2006-06-10 to 2006-08-27 (ABC Family USA)
2006-09-10 (Family Channel Canada)
2006-09-23 (Japanese Broadcast)
2007-04-23 (Super-RTL, Germany)

French TV got it 1st so guessing it was dubbed in French 1st.
9tailfox, judging by the post you made in topics, I don't like you already. You're annoying, now thats off my chest.

This anime is pure gold, I think the ending was a mixture of sad and happy.

One question, Will it contain the subs.
Hmm, it was an enjoyable show, but I can't help thinking who would buy it on DVD? I mean, it's already been repeated about a hundred times on Jetix alone, and i'm almost as sick of seeing Oban listed on the EPG as I am Galactik Football. :?
Tasker said:
Hmm, it was an enjoyable show, but I can't help thinking who would buy it on DVD? I mean, it's already been repeated about a hundred times on Jetix alone, and i'm almost as sick of seeing Oban listed on the EPG as I am Galactik Football. :?

well i'll be buying it

just bought the soundtrack and a t-shirt too lol
A little anoyed that it will be dub only, but what are you going to do, still going to have a spot next to the Naruto Unleasheds.

Also, Play.com's listing worrys me a bit, it marks it as 6 episodes (2hours 30 mins) rather than the whole of the first arc.
Tasker said:
Hmm, it was an enjoyable show, but I can't help thinking who would buy it on DVD? I mean, it's already been repeated about a hundred times on Jetix alone, and i'm almost as sick of seeing Oban listed on the EPG as I am Galactik Football. :?
It is a kids' DVD and it is being released at kids' DVD prices. It may be vaguely anime but that is not how it is being released and kids are those who are likely to be buy it rather than anime fans.
9tailsfox said:
2 b onest i tink dats 1 o' d wrst sows evr
I don't remember there being any pigs in it, weather male or female (and even if there were, I don't see why they'd be shown taking any medicine). But I never saw more than a few episodes, with it being on before 9 AM on a Sunday. :p

It's not as if I have time to watch it, but if I did it would be worth getting if it had the full Japanese opening and ending and the original French-language dialogue. Even if it only has the Japanese, that's still likely to be better than the American dub. But considering the straight-to-box-set release (which is how it was released in France, with only 1 language) I'm expecting the worst case situation, however reluctantly.

I don't know if it's anything to go by, but Michel Ocelot's Princes et princesses has in my opinion much of the best voice acting I've heard in any language. And popular French animation occupies rather a strange position between Japan and what's made in much of the rest of the world. Somewhat like Japan was back in the 70s, their films (with the possible exception of Renaissance, which I'm not sure is even French-language) are almost never more than a PG, but are often relatively sophisticated and very adult or teen-oriented within that. See La Planète sauvage (1973) and U (2006) for examples of this.

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