Nostalgia Thread: Manga Videos (VHS)

skikes said:
My mum bought me adventure duo(adventure kid) when i was like 11... thanks mum 0_o


I've heard about that one. Did mum ever find out what was on this tape? :lol:

Lupus, what was so infamous about Angel Cop?

Also, I've just remembered another classic manga release: 3x3 eyes!! If we can get enough suggestions I might try and list them all in this thread or something.
Kaede said:
Also, I've just remembered another classic manga release: 3x3 eyes!! If we can get enough suggestions I might try and list them all in this thread or something.
Did 3x3 eyes get released entirely? I've bought the manga from DH, but they cancelled that to my dismay :'(
Sorry, I've no idea. As others have said a lot of the shows released over here did just get cancelled if the earlier episodes didn't sell well enough. I was about 12/13 at the time so I shouldn't have been buying 3x3 Eyes anyway! I'm sure I remember at least two tapes with four episodes between them being released? Could be mistaken though.
chaos said:
Kaede said:
Also, I've just remembered another classic manga release: 3x3 eyes!! If we can get enough suggestions I might try and list them all in this thread or something.
Did 3x3 eyes get released entirely? I've bought the manga from DH, but they cancelled that to my dismay :'(

Yes it did - the first four episodes came out on two videos, one of the first crop of titles that Manga ever released I think. Then in 95/96 there were 3 more volumes that ended the series. I managed to keep hold of all my 3x3 Eyes vids, its not the most amazing series in the world but its worth tracking down.
Olio8O said:
chaos said:
Kaede said:
Also, I've just remembered another classic manga release: 3x3 eyes!! If we can get enough suggestions I might try and list them all in this thread or something.
Did 3x3 eyes get released entirely? I've bought the manga from DH, but they cancelled that to my dismay :'(

Yes it did - the first four episodes came out on two videos, one of the first crop of titles that Manga ever released I think. Then in 95/96 there were 3 more volumes that ended the series. I managed to keep hold of all my 3x3 Eyes vids, its not the most amazing series in the world but its worth tracking down.
According to you, its VHS then... I don't have a VCR, so I migth give it a pass.
Does the anime cover all of the manga?
i actually LOVED 3x3eyes.

its was one of my first anime. i thought it was great, especially for its time. It doesnt cover all the manga but what it does cover is pretty faithful.

Im in the mood to re-watch this now. havent seen it in years.
Kaede said:
what was so infamous about Angel Cop?
This makes the third time this has been posted on here, I think. :p

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01:52 is the single best moment in dub history.
It seems modern anime can more than keep up with the swearing (but improve several hundred fold on the dubbing):

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
Olio8O said:

This is that webpage I was talking about before - it has a list of releases, though I don't know if its complete.


Thanks very much for traking that list down, much appreciated. Gonna have a trawl through it and condense it down to the Manga video releases.

Quite a few titles there that I remember reading about but I never actually got to see.

For some reason, I really miss the trailers from the Manga Video VHS releases. The trailers you get on their DVDs now seem to be just a tiny clip with some angry German rock over it - what happened to their Trailer Man who explained the series for you, often at considerable length?

I also hold Super Play entirely responsible for my being here today. Their branching out from games into coverage of Japanese culture in general was ahead of its time.
Hell yeah I remember. I remember the first manga VHS I bought witth my nan, when I was under the age of 15. I remember her saying "Are you sure you're allowed this?".

"Yeah nan, it's only a cartoon"

Heh, that was 3x3 eyes and I still have it today along with all my other manga VHS's.

I still watch Wings of Honneamise & Roujin z on vhs since I don't think they were ever released on DVD over here. I have the Legend of 4 kings set, which is still fairly pricey. Also, the Crying Freeman set which came with a graphic novel. Also plenty of other forgotten titles too.

The manga clip at the start of their VHS' with the dodgy music is also quite memorable.

Those were the days.
The guy who used to do the voiceover for the adverts!!! He sounded like he was on speed most of the time - used to always love the original advert for Ninja Scroll, I think that was his best work.
Kaede said:
Manga Video
5) Anyone else here ever remember buying Manga Mania and AnimeUK

Got most of Manga Mania and I think I have all of it later re-release manga max magazine as well.

Luckily I kept the Guyver OVA VHS as I found out the english dub is actual different from the USA one, a few of voices where changed. For better I think as well by looking on the clips of the USA version on youtube. I got weird version of it as well, as it the blockbuster rental version LOL, still the rental VHS are meant to have longer viewing life than standard VHS releases.
I watched Angel Cop, it was actually harder to get through that I imagined, that's one more thing crossed off the list.

Oh and I own some Manga VHS titles myself, which I never mentioned. Akira, GitS, FotNS and Legend of the Overfiend. I haven't watched them at all, I think I might one day though.