Nintendo to host Nintendo Direct stream tomorrow at 11pm


Monsieur Monster
AUKN Staff
Title says it all. E3 begins next week, but Nintendo have confirmed via Twitter that a "Nintendo Direct" video will be streamed at 11pm tomorrow night (due to Timezones I'd imagine, as all the Nintendo head honchos are in America at the moment). The stream will most likely be on Nintendo's website.

As for what the Nintendo Direct stream will show? It's all about the Wii U - which will be shown off during Nintendo's E3 Conference on Tuesday (which will also be streamed at 5pm our time).
Well, that's come and gone.

That was the most unintentionally funny broadcast I have seen in awhile.


I saw. I loved it. I want a Wii U. I want one and I want one now.

I think the video with the Nonspecific Action Figure was intended to be humorous - and it's worked, people are calling for Nonspecific Action Figure to be a new Nintendo IP xD.

Anyway, here's my article about all the news.

Wii U-3DS-PC-Smartphone communication...YES PLEASE.
It's very well designed, and i like the direction they've taken with the WiiU Pro controller. Sure, it's obviously looking like a 360 controller, but the fact that they are making a controller for multiplatform games + more is a clever move to reel in more "hardcore" audiences that may have been turned away with the Wii. I don't expect it to be released with the console though, annoyingly, but i'd at least like to see it with a reasonable price point.

Overall, it's got me excited for their E3 conference. It's proving that Nintendo still know what to do to improve themselves, now we just need to see the gamepad in action properly at E3, alongside games, price and release date. I'm still calling Winter this year for a release. This reminds me, i'll go ahead and make the E3 topic i've been neglecting until now.
Nintendo have outright said that the price and release date won't be revealed at E3 - although we know it'll be out by the end f the year (I imagine November/December).

Like you said, I don't imagine that the Wii U Pro Controller will be free with the console. I imagine it will probably be around £14.99, like other Wii peripherals.
Oh they said that? Damn. I was hoping they would reveal something. I guess we'll get another live event like they did with the 3DS details. I've got my money a winter release anyways, it just pains me to see us having to wait longer for a date
I thought this pre-conference was crap (and a little embarrassing, as far as the scripted thing that ran before Iwata gave his main speech goes) for anyone who is older than about 12 and already has a smartphone.

Iwata thinks he has invented emails and social networking or something ("it's browser based"... so is everything in some way shape or form), there was nothing here that I can't do better via some other device that I already have.

The awesome thing was that the changes to the controller (and the reveal of the Pro controller) keep me convinced (as I was even after the first "failed" E3 introduction) that this will be a good platform for proper games, single player and multiplayer, and that the actual E3 show from them should be very good.
I thought the obviously comedic thing with that guy and Nonspecific Action Figure was hilarious. The general reaction I've seen has been positive as well - people are now jokingly calling for a Nonspecific Action Figure to be included with every console xD

The owner of WiiUAndMii (which I write for) wasn't impressed with the presentation, saying that Nintendo didn't really show anything too innovative this time around. However, I was speaking to a fellow WiiUAndMii writer just now and he pointed out that the N64 and Gamecube weren't really innovative either and that Nintendo know they are playing catch up with the Wii U, but it is still early days.

In regards to the Wiiverse, I do think that's innovative though. Sure, social networking is nothing new, but Nintendo are obviously trying to integrate it with gaming and having the direct link to the games covers their whole philosophy of wanting to open the world up to players more (At the start of the conference they noted that new technologies like phones and laptops tended to put people in their own little worlds, so they wanted to bring them back together). I don't believe for a second that it will be the new Facebook, but it certainly will be a good feature.
Joshawott said:
I thought the obviously comedic thing with that guy and Nonspecific Action Figure was hilarious. The general reaction I've seen has been positive as well - people are now jokingly calling for a Nonspecific Action Figure to be included with every console xD
... I think you must be discussing this in far less cynical circles than I am. ^^;

The owner of WiiUAndMii (which I write for) wasn't impressed with the presentation
I think this speaks volumes.

the N64 and Gamecube weren't really innovative either and that Nintendo know they are playing catch up with the Wii U, but it is still early days.
Let's just say they weren't Nintendo's most spectacular successes and move on, I think.

As for the lack of innovation re: the social networking stuff, even if it wasn't the least original thing of the decade to add social networking functions to whatever product you are releasing, Sony have already gone a long way to integrating it into gaming with the Vita, which has obvious benefits over a home console as far as those functions go.

The NFC in the controller is a massive plus for the WiiU, though, I have to say.
Hang on, you said, on 3/6/12, that it would be "tomorrow at 11pm", a time which we are still over 14 hours away from, and yet people are talking about it as if it already happened. Josh, I think you may have got your times wrong.
If people are not alerted to their own mistakes, they cannot learn from them. Learning from their own mistakes makes a person smarter, therefore I am helping him by doing this. :)
Mutsumi said:
Hang on, you said, on 3/6/12, that it would be "tomorrow at 11pm", a time which we are still over 14 hours away from, and yet people are talking about it as if it already happened. Josh, I think you may have got your times wrong.
My biological clock has been very screwy as of late. On Friday, I was convinced it was Saturday, for example.

Here's the video though le here.

ilmaestro said:
Joshawott said:
I thought the obviously comedic thing with that guy and Nonspecific Action Figure was hilarious. The general reaction I've seen has been positive as well - people are now jokingly calling for a Nonspecific Action Figure to be included with every console xD
... I think you must be discussing this in far less cynical circles than I am. ^^;
Maybe you're just in more cynical circles than I am? =3

the N64 and Gamecube weren't really innovative either and that Nintendo know they are playing catch up with the Wii U, but it is still early days.
Let's just say they weren't Nintendo's most spectacular successes and move on, I think.[/quote][/quote]
Nintendo's biggest mistake: Cancelling that deal with Sony that led to them making the PlayStation 1 out of revenge.

The owner of WiiUAndMii (which I write for) wasn't impressed with the presentation
I think this speaks volumes.
Well, he's just an ordinary fan like myself (it's a fansite), so I wouldn't take too much notice of it.

One thing he said was how Nintendo should have integrated pre-existing social network sites, such as Facebook and Twitter into the system, as opposed to making their own. I have to disagree with that point, because by doing it on their own it allows Nintendo to not only have better control over the content of such messages, but also it furthers their goal of uniting gamers together, as opposed to just people. Besides, if Nintendo rely too much on another company's product, what's going to happen if say, the impossible happens and Facebook or Twitter suddenly go down? At least with Miiverse, Nintendo will be the ones in control - and the integration with not only 3DS consoles and PCs, but Smartphones will be a nice touch. It would be cool if later on, they add a system that lets you integrate your Facebook/Twitter account with your Miiverse account though.

Personally, I want to try out the Wii U Pad. I was the same with the 3DS - I thought it looked weird and needed to try it out before hand. In regards to how Fighting games will use it, I hope they don't go the cheap route they did with Street Fighter IV and Dead or Alive on the 3DS and just have short cuts to the special moves...I can do without Ryu Hadouken spam on Wi-Fi.
Joshawott said:
Mutsumi said:
Hang on, you said, on 3/6/12, that it would be "tomorrow at 11pm", a time which we are still over 14 hours away from, and yet people are talking about it as if it already happened. Josh, I think you may have got your times wrong.
My biological clock has been very screwy as of late. On Friday, I was convinced it was Saturday, for example.

Here's the video though le here.
Thank you very much. I appreciate it. :)
In regards to comments about the Wii U Pro Controller, I think that it was probably intentional for Nintendo to tempt makers of multi-platform games to simply use that instead of the Wii U GamePad. Aside from the vast graphical difference between the Wii and the PS360, another thing that turned developers away from the Wii U was having to make a set of controls just for that system.

Although I'm not sure that developers will have to use the touch screen. After all, 3DS developers don't even have to use the 3D (a lot of 3DS developers who choose to prioritise the gyroscope often drop the 3D, because the two don't get along).
Well, Nintendo's E3 conference is mainly going to focus on the games, so hopefully there are good first party titles and maybe third party exclusives there. So far, most of what we know of are multi-platform games or re-releases of previous multi-platform games that have been slightly redone for the Wii U.
Going back over the presentation Iwata says: '... transmit game content they have created themselves, which can then be added to others' gameplay.'

Are they going to allow game design specifics with their games now? Not like in Smash Bros. Brawl, but for a far greater variety of software released on the system?



'Available for Wii U, 3DS and future Nintendo devices'. Where he didn't specifically say Nintendo gaming hardware.

Having them branch out into other areas of electronics is something that has been rumoured for some time now.
Well, Nintendo did patent Massively Single Player Online Game.

As for expanding into other electronics, while the more pessimistic critics are dying for Nintendo to move into say smartphones, Nintendo have always maintained that they won't do that. I'd say "devices" was used to just refer to both consoles and handheld devices.