Ninokuni:Nintendo DS ( A Studio Ghibi+Level 5 Co-production)


Stand User
A interesting Co-production between arguably the greatest animation film company in the world “Studio Ghibi” and great game developer Level 5 (Dragon Quest VIII, Professor Layton, Rogue Galaxy, Dark Cloud). Even if you don't have a DS or no intention ever getting one its a must watch trailer for beautiful Studio Ghibi animation.
<div><object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" id="gtembed" width="480" height="392"> <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain"> <param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"> <param name="movie" value=""><param name="quality" value="high"> <embed src="" swLiveConnect="true" name="gtembed" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" allowFullScreen="true" quality="high" pluginspage="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="480" height="392"></embed> </object><div><div><a href="" title="">Video Games</a> | <a href="" title="Ninokuni">Ninokuni</a> | <a href="" title="TGS 09: Japanese Trailer">TGS 09: Japanese Trailer</a></div><div><a href="" title="XBox 360">XBox 360</a> | <a href="" title="PS3">Playstation 3</a> | <a href="" title="Wii">Nintendo Wii</a></div></div></div>
Should've posted it in the Gaming Section, it needs some love.

Was one of the best things about TGS this year, considering the majority of it was underwhelming.
The animation looks amazing. The game looks similar to an old Level 5 game called Dark Chronicle. Anyone else ever play it? Was the sequel to Dark Cloud on PS2 and is still my fave game of all time.
How to connect my nintendo ds to the internet? I have a laptop (running on vista) with built in wi-fi. It is connected to the internet using a wire. I don't have a router, but i can share my internet connection with another wi-fi laptop. Can I connect my nintendo ds lite, with pokemon platinum, to the internet, by sharing my internet connection, and how?
market samurai ~ marketsamurai ~
Official website is up for the DS version including a 5 minute(!) trailer:

Voddas said:
Mmm, sweet and savoury... *ahem* Would definately be on my "to buy" list if I had a DS.

Voddas, this game is now also coming out on Playstation 3 in a slightly different version according to posts on the NeoGaf forums. (You have one right?)

I'll be picking this up when I get my backwards compatible 3DS. Oh yes.

Maybe move this thread to gaming?
It's also coming out on the PS3 and it looks gorgeous. Not sure how they'll implement the magic but I'm getting both versions so I guess I'll compare it then.