New version of Anime UK News goes live!


Ghost of Animes
<p>Welcome to the latest version of Anime UK News; but "what's changed?&rdquo; you may ask; the layout is the same, but behind the scenes Anime UK News has been transformed into a fully functional, relational database over flowing with anime-related information.

The most dramatic addition to the site is the <a href="">encyclopedia</a>. Split into three sections; "<a href="">anime</a>", "<a href="">companies</a>" and "<a href="">people</a>", this is the centre of all the information on Anime UK News.

For example, if you want to find information about <a href="">Naruto</a> in the UK - head over <a href="">its encyclopedia entry</a>, where we are tracking everything related to the series; news stories, screen captures, UK DVD release dates, reviews and articles. If you click on its "UK publisher" (<a href="">Manga Ent.</a>), you will find all future DVD releases from that company, all the anime they've published in the UK and so on. There are literally thousands of pages filled with vital information at your finger tips.

Another exciting new feature is <a href="">our news archive</a>; Anime UK News has been reporting on daily anime news since early 2004 and now you can read it all. Exciting, huh?

This is merely the tip of the iceberg, please take your time to look through the site and enjoy what we have to offer. All of this is the result of nearly 6 months hard work, so, thanks for reading. If you have anything to say about these changes, good or bad, <a href="">please do e-mail us</a> or drop by <a href="">the community forums</a>.</p>
By the way, thanks to everyone who helped with testings. Your input was most valuable! :)
I didn't get my own section, pants :(

Paul and Jon put alot of effort into this and you guys will see after some time how much information starts to build up. You'll be able to waste away your spare hours reading usefull tidbits of anything and everythnig to do with Anime in the UK as i found out yesterday evening :lol:
Just out of curiosity...

Are the personal profile thingies gone now, or have I just forgotten how to get into it? :$
Good work, I can see this being very useful.

I know you'll probably sort all this out in the near future but 'Yoshitoshi ABe' didn't direct 'Serial Experiments: Lain', that was 'Ryutaro Nakamura'. ABe did the inital design work for the series. Also Yoko Kanno has nothing under her name but like I said before i'm sure this will all be sorted out soon.

Edit: Is it just me or are most of the comments on that 'UK's most underrated anime' article about how british people are idiots? I suggest we remove the comment options on the articles since most of them are idiotic.
Lupus Inu said:
Paul and Jon... who is Jon?

He is a misterious figure. Some say he comes out on a full moon to roam the land in search of his arch nemesis, the Coco Pops monkey.

It is also rumoured he can also play the banjo and is a dab hand at web design.
Lupus Inu said:
Paul and Jon... who is Jon?

Jon has been working along side myself as a web developer since around early March; he is "Mr. Brightside" on the forums. Due to the nature of being a website developer, you are very much working in the background; suffice to say, he's been a vital part of the site since joining.

Aaron said:
Just out of curiosity...

Are the personal profile thingies gone now, or have I just forgotten how to get into it? :$

For now I've removed them. Since we've basically recoded everything form the ground up, the public profiles and the "See-Saw" search engine were too big to consider in this version of the site. It would be like trying to combine Anime News Network, Google and MySpace.

WTFDaveMustaine said:
Good work, I can see this being very useful.

I know you'll probably sort all this out in the near future but 'Yoshitoshi ABe' didn't direct 'Serial Experiments: Lain', that was 'Ryutaro Nakamura'. ABe did the inital design work for the series. Also Yoko Kanno has nothing under her name but like I said before i'm sure this will all be sorted out soon.

Edit: Is it just me or are most of the comments on that 'UK's most underrated anime' article about how british people are idiots? I suggest we remove the comment options on the articles since most of them are idiotic.

Cheers, it's great to know you like it! I'll get on those errors right away.

As for the article comments, they can be useful but then again, they can be pure SPAM too. Ultimately I want to give them a fair amount of time to see whether or not they are worth keeping. Same thing with the review comments really.

shh227 said:
I liked it a lot I usually go to ANN for this kind of info :D

Again, thanks :) The idea behind it all is to present some constantly useful information that people can use almost as a resource. Eventually I intend to go through all the news stories and relate them to a specific series, company or person, but given there are over 2,000 of them, it may take a while :)
Paul said:
As for the article comments, they can be useful but then again, they can be pure SPAM too. Ultimately I want to give them a fair amount of time to see whether or not they are worth keeping. Same thing with the review comments really.
Although it may be quite a bit of work it could be worth moderating the comments (ie having someone vet the comments before they are shown) similar to the way the BBC does on their news site.
If this helps Paul here's a mostly complete list of series Yoko Kanno is related to. The ones in red haven't been released in the UK (as far as I know anyway).

Aquarion (Composer)
Arjuna (Composer)
Brain Powerd (Composer)
Card Captor Sakura (Composer; OP)

Cowboy Bebop (Composer)
Cowboy Bebop: The Movie (Composer)
Escaflowne (Composer with 'Hajime Mizoguchi') <----- The movie
Oban Star Racer (Composer; OP, ED)
Please Save My Earth (Composer with 'Hajime Mizoguchi')
RahXephon (Composer; OP)
Record of Lodoss War (Composer; OP)
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex (Composer)
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex 2nd Gig (Composer)
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex: Solid State Society (Composer)
Macross Plus (Composer)
Memories (Composer; 'Magnetic Rose' segment)
Turn A Gundam (Composer)
The Vision of Escaflowne (Composer with 'Hajime Mizoguchi')
Wolf's Rain (Composer)

And Yoshitoshi ABe...

Haibane Renmei (Original Creator, Writer)
NeiA_7 (Concept, Character Design)
Serial Experiments: Lain (Original Character Design)
Texhnolyze (Conceptual Design)

I hope that helps in some way.
Well done dude, the legends of the new site have been proven and now all we need is the chosen one to rise so that we can truely rule the world...... oh wait wrong forum
WTFDaveMustaine said:
If this helps Paul here's a mostly complete list of series Yoko Kanno is related to. The ones in red haven't been released in the UK (as far as I know anyway). I hope that helps in some way.

Cheers for all the information, I've entered much of it (UK-released series mostly) into the encyclopedia. I'll need to look at uploading photos for some of these people as well :)

Chrono Demon said:
Paul, if its not too much. If you bring back the Public Profile, can you like... expand it.

Yeah, I learnt a fair bit last time. If we do decide to implement such a thing again, it'll be more streamlined than before, so I'll be doing away with like the questionnaires and the release bookmarks, but improving things like friend lists, giving you shout boxes and so on. By the way, you should still be able to access your profile, it just isn't linked up anymore - so feel free to store the information on there.

Jayme said:
Woop Woop,
Good job here Paul and everyone 'behind the scenes.'

McIcy said:
Well done dude, the legends of the new site have been proven and now all we need is the chosen one to rise so that we can truely rule the world...... oh wait wrong forum

Cheers! It's nice to know our brain aching labor is appreciated! :)